Chapter Sixteen

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And despite how convinced both parents were, the couldn't  succeed pushing Tracy into doctor school to become a doctor as they wish.

She thought it's was by mistake she was born into this family "Is it a crime to be born into this family?"
She felt suffocated and absolved.
Tracy shared her devastation with her school counselor.
After their section, Tracy asked her to write a letter so she could give to her parents.

"Don’t force them to do anything, but do a proper monitoring about their learning at home, and give friendly advices. They have to  check on their children's leisure time if they are lacking in performance."
The school Counselor wrote.

After a successful graduation with first class, she sent her application and CV to one of the leading companies in the country, and fortunately for her, she was employed. She decided to leave home after gotten a job. She rented her own apartment, with her parents money. And,
her parents already bought a car for her after graduation, and she still drives it.
She worked with the  company for 2 years.
After two years experience, she started with her own business.
In less than 3 years, her company started selling more and, many investors here and there. Bigger companies were ready to partner with her. She was so successful in her field, and has won lots of awards as young entrepreneur and
She works with one of the leading companies for some time.

"Do you remember how your mother and I used to drag you into becoming a  doctor",  Her father said laughing...
I remember all dad. You and mom wouldn't allow me to decide what course to study.
Because you two wanted me to become a daughter like you.
They both laughed together in the parlor.
Tracy father came to pay her a visit. They finished with dinner and, were having father- daughter moments in the parlor.
I remember all sweetheart.
How you were so stubborn. And no matter what we said.
You were hellbert on your decision.
But in all, I didn't see a stubbornness in you, rather, what I saw was a strong, determined, courageous little girl. I see a fulfilled life in you.

Really dad? How come you never said this to me? Tracy asked her father.

I didn't want to because I,,, I want to see how determined and serious you were.
That's why,  at a time, I told your mother to let you be.
So we took the decision to give you the benefit of the doubt, and here you are today proven as all wrong.
Here you are, own a company,  bought a house, car and everything we ever wanted for you guys.
Oh death!!!!
All I  wish your mother was still here.
He started getting emotional .

Did you miss her?
Tracy asked her dad.

'You have no idea how much I have missed her.
Every day and night I think of her and her smile.
When I look at you I see her.
Your beautiful smile.
The way she walks, how she talks. And how she takes care of everyone'.
Tracy got closer to her dad and hugged her.
They cuddled each other. they both ceased the moment to mourn mother, and a wife.

Dad, I remember all.
I wouldn't have come out efficacious with you and mom's support. I'm happy because doing fine and my company is successful bringing the family a reputable name.
I wish she's here with me right now.
I have really missed her too.

Yeah! Sweetheart, when are you getting married?
You know how particular you mother was about you given her a grand child.
You brother has given me two. Very soon your sister would be next.
I'm worried about you.
Hasn't any man proposed yet.

Dad.... You should go and take your shower. I want to do same. After we come and watch your favorite show.
Tracy said, trying to avoid the topic.

You can't avoid this conversation. You have to answer me sweetheart, you are growing.
You have to get married before your hair turns gray and you hips spread. I'm serious, your mother would say the same.
He stood up to go take his shower.

Oh, yeah! Erica told me you got her a car. Her father said.

Yes dad!
She told me she needed it, so I have to get her one.

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