Chapter Thirteen

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Can I come and pick you up, or you want to come by yourself?
Daniel asked Tracy.

As Tracy told him earlier on phone, she would be ready in 30 minutes time, and now, it's an hour time. So Daniel is trying to act gentleman. She called to find out if she's coming over. It's 7pm. He wants to find out if she has finished dressing up, and she's ready.

Tracy: No! Don't come pick me up. I have dressed up and, I'm about to leave the house.
It's okay. I will follow the address you sent earlier.
I will call when I get there.
Tracy said and, ended the call, and drove off, toDaniel's house.

Daniel came out and picked her, into his house.
" Have a seat" Daniel said pointing his finger on the couch.
"Thank you" Tracy said and, sat on the couch.

Make yourself comfortable. Daniel told her.

She nodded her head in agreement.

What do I offer you? Daniel asked.

Nothing she rejected.

Come on, you have to take in something, I insist. He said.

Um... do you have lemonade....? Tracy asked him.

No! Daniel replied.

Then, I guess I will go in for water, water will be okay for me. She said.

Just water? Said Daniel

Yes. She said

Okay ma'am, at your service, as you wish.
Daniel went into his kitchen, and brought her the water.
He was wearing singlet top and shorts, exposing his muscles and the tattoos on his chest and hand.
Tracy is seeing his bare body for the first time. And she admired what she saw. But didn't pass any comment.

Here you go ma'am, your water please. Daniel said putting the water in front of her, on the table.

Thanks. She said.

Daniel sat on the other couch facing her.

You have nice place, I like the design and everything in here. Tracy said, looking at the room.

Thank you Tracy.

'Daniel, you know why I'm here and...?'

'I know' Daniel cut her before she could complete her sentence.
I know I owe you big time explanation. And that's why you are here for.
Daniel stood from where he was sitting and came to sit beside Tracy. Very close to her, holding her hands. And looking into her eyes.

"First of all, I'm very sorry. Like deeply sorry" Daniel began.

Why did you frame me up?
Why did you take me to a hotel? Tracy asked.

I could have brought you into my home. But I didn't want to hurt you.
You were drank Tracy. And I have no other option than to take you to your house. I didn't know your house either and you know it. What could I have done sweetheart...Daniel  said.

Did you spike my drink? She asked.

Where did you get that idea from Tracy?  Daniel pretended.

We didn't do anything, but you said we had sex.
And, what actually happened?
Did we have sex? Tracy continued.

'I didn't know what came over me, before I left such message.
It was all made believe.
I promise you nothing really happened.
Hold on......
Did you just say nothing happened?
How did you know nothing happened? Daniel asked.

I am a Virgin Mr. Daniels. Tracy said coyly.

OMG! Where is that coming from.
Are you being serious right now.
You're playing the realistic game  with me right now huh?! Daniel asked her all surprise.

"Don't be surprised!
Is this strange to you, or you have never heard the word VIRGIN before?
There are few people who are very particular about their moral upbringing and values their dignity Mr. Daniels. And, I, happened to be one of them. Tracy said.

I'm lost in words
I can't believe what I'm hearing. Daniel said.

You better do, cause it is the truth. She said took her water to drink.

Tracy stood up to take a closer look at the pictures on the wall.
She saw a picture of 3 people supposing Daniel's parents and him. Then his graduation picture. And when he won basketball championships.
Daniel came closer to her to explain the picture to her.

This is my family picture he pointed, my  mother, father and myself. He said.

" Are you the only child of your parents?" Tracy asked.

Yes! I'm unfortunate to have siblings. He said.

Why ain't you married then?
Tracy asked.

That word is not found in my dictionary yet. He said

Tracy: But you have a fiance?
Where does she live.
She should be here with you to keep you company, you living in this big Mason all alone.

This is a conversation for another day. Daniel ended the topic abruptly.

Tracy checked the time and it's, 10pm getting to 11pm.
I have to get going, she said.

You can't leave. It's late and it's not safe for you to drive alone in the dark.
Spend the night here in my house tomorrow morning you can leave.
You can sleep on my bed I will use the couch.
Other rooms are not tidy up so you have to use my room...Daniel offered.

Tracy agreed to spend the night at his house.
Daniel took her into his bedroom, laid the bed for her.
Tracy asked to change her dress. Daniel asked her to go into the wardrobe and select anything she would be comfortable in.
Daniel picked a blanket and pillow walked out of the room to the hall.
Tracy changed into Daniel's white long sleeve shirt.
She buttons the button leaving the upper opened, exposing her breast and legs.
She walked out of the room to the hall.
Daniel stood up.
Do you need something? He asked her.

I want you to come and sleep on the bed, I don't mind. We slept together before remember...Tracy said.

Sure, okay!
Let me put off the lights then we go.
Get going, I will join you soon.

Tracy left.  Daniel feels excited within.
" Yeah he hits the JACKPOT" He said to himself.
He turned off the lights and went inside.

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