chapter six

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I'm afraid, we're going to have to cut this meeting short.
  I've just been informed of a problem, that needs my immediate attention.

And if no one has anything else to add, then I think we'll wrap this up here.
The chairperson at the annual business  conference meeting

Any question?
He asked....
Alright then,

Because of the unexpectedly impromptu, and unpremeditated nature we are ending this meeting.
  I will urge each and everyone of you to leave your business card on the table, for reference and, any partnership deal.
And If anyone has any questions, about anything we discussed today, feel free to send me an e-mail.
   The chairperson at the conference continued...

And oh! Before you leave, please make sure to sign the attendance sheet.
I almost forgot to mention that, we're planning a staff banquet next month.
 Don't forget to put your ballot, in the box on your way out.

If I didn't already say this, please remember to introduce yourself to the new trainees.
  He said taking his seat.

The room was noisy,
Attention! Attention everyone!!!!
Could I have your attention again?
Please, my honorable ladies and gentlemen.
The message.   We'll meet again on the first of next month.
 I'll send out a group e-mail with the voting results.

Again, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules, to be here today.
  Most of you probably already know this, but Isaac's wife just gave birth to a baby boy.
As you leave today, don't forget to wish Tracy luck on the weekend.
The next time you see her she will be happily married.

Probably, or maybe not.
Well, I don't know.
I gave up he said hilariously...

Tracy burst into laughter including everybody in the conference hall.
Tracy and the chairperson were friends since college.
And still the coolest friend.
She knew Tracy for a very long time, and always cracking jokes on her.

Don't forget to leave our business cards down, in case someone wants more information.
 He emphasized.

So we have successfully come to the end of this meeting and,
please take all of your papers with you.
He finally ended his message.

Everybody walked out of the conference hall, including Tracy.

Tracy stood outside looking on her phone.
Hey, I'm Daniel and you're Tracy right.
Daniels said extending his hand for a shake, normal formalities for first impression.
It's very necessary.

Tracy right. Daniel said looking on Tracy's business card, he picked from the table.
Yeah, you got that right.
Tracy said.
  I picked this one, but I want another one from you, and yourself, and from your hand.
He said.

You can't be serious Tracy said smiling.
Of course I am...
Tracy said.
She puts her hand into her bag and handover another card to him.

He handed his own to her.
So officially, they both exchanged cards, after the conference meeting.
Thanks Daniel said.
It's an honor...

Can I call anytime, hope "Mr." Wouldn't have problems with that.
Hahaha!!! Tracy laughed.
You're free to call anytime- anyday...she said and walked into her car...

Anytime, anyday.
Anytime, anyday,
Daniel sings to himself.
He kissed the card put it inside his wallet.

He waved Tracy goodbye as she drove off

Daniels and Tracy met, at a business conference meeting.
It was one of this meetings organized for business leaders annually.
Workshop kind of thing, to help businesses grow.

So last year, Daniel's company had the chance to participate, and since he's the manager director (M.D). of the company, he has to go represent the company's name.

It's 11pm, Tracy was fast asleep. Her phone rang.
It was unknown number.
She answered.

Hey there, you said I can call you 'anything', 'anyday' right.
I just got some free time and decided to call you up.

I hope I'm not disturbing you?
That's okay Tracy said.

Daniels called her to link her up, and connect with her.
Daniel really admired her presentation during the conference meeting, and called to compliment her on great presentation.

Apparently, Daniel is managing his parents business  , family business precisely.

And, for the past months, he hasn't been inactive, and the business is at verge of collapsing.

Okay, I just need some tips on how to get my business back on scale.
My parents would be disappointed, if they found out the business is going down.
My incompetency, can not be displayed.
He said.

Mr. Daniels
First of all you have to calm down.

Business is very sensitive, and every business persons must take full responsibility of the following points.

Businesses can fail as a of  result , recessions, high taxation, high interest rates, excessive regulations, poor management decisions, insufficient marketing, inability to compete with other similar businesses, or lack of interest from the public in the business's offerings.

If you note the following points, and take action. You'd see the business booming, and your parents would be proud of you.
For trusting the business into your hands.
Trust me.

What about we meet and discuss more on this.
Tracy suggested....
Good idea. He replied.

And also note that it is very important, to choose a business partner.

As they say, "if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go together".
You should consider choosing a partner seriously.

Let me tell you,
why you should choose a business partner

If you’re lacking a specific talent or skillset that would benefit your clients, and you don’t want to spend the time or money developing that skill yourself, a business partner could fill the gap. If there’s an untouched audience that needs your services, a business partner could help you enter new markets and expand your reach. If you want to make more with less input, a business partner could be the extra mind and muscle that your bank account needs.
So you have to reconsider partnerships. It's very key in business spheres.

Wow... I guess I have to make you my business partner then.

Goodnight Mr. Daniels.
We talk tomorrow.

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