Chapter Fourteen

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Decision making is crucial, because the decisions your children make, dictate the path that their lives take.
Tracy father begun, as they sat in the hall having their family meetings.

Teaching your children to make their own decisions has several benefits he continued...
But, before they make a good decision, that can gain the greatest amount of satisfaction and fulfillment, they need their parent's advised and their decision too.
He said.
So this morning, your mother and I have decided that we are going to help you choose your career and we will see to it that, we nurtured you guys, provide you with the necessary support, and  guides your steps to achieving that dream goal. He paused and their mother continued...

So, now that you guys have graduated from high school. Your father and I have decided to help you choose your career. And that is, you all must follow our footsteps. And become a doctors like your daddy and I.
That sounds good right?
Their mother concluded...

Super great!.... Erica clapped her hands and in support with her parents decision.
Oh I want to be like you mom. She said happily.
And all I need now,  is a good grades and get enrolled in my choice of medical school.
I can't wait.... she said.

Awwnn... That lovely sweetheart. Her mother said.

Yes, you James boy... His father asked.

You guys don't have to worry about me, dad already talked that into me. He said I should take after him because I, will become the head of the family  after he's gone and I have to be him... James said.

Why are you gloating? Erica asked his brother.

"Oh, yeah! I have every reason to gloat dear little sister...
I am the only boy and the eldest, as a matter of fact...."

Oh cut it off....Erica shut him up.

Enough of this drama already you too. Their mother silenced them.

Tracy you haven't said anything yet.
Why, you don't buy the idea? Her mother asked.
Tracy sat watching her phone the whole time without saying anything.

'We are old enough to make our own decisions, isn't that what you tell us dad. That after high school graduation, we chose our own career.
And decide on what to do, right dad?' Tracy asked.

Yeah! Well, make your own decision can mean many different things. Daddy said.

So what changes, why can't we decide on our own career.
Sweetheart, I think you should do researching about this family genealogy.
Before you mother and I planned to have you guys, we have already our kids will be like as regardless.
This family has been since generations had always been a doctor and I want my generation to bring to change. We want people to be pleased that we were of good parentage. It will be an honor for us. But if you want to change this, it will ruin the family reputation.

'What does that even mean...
You guys are not making any sense to me. Tracy said.
You guys are doctors because you chose to. I don't have passion for that profession.
Why are you guys making a big deal out of this.
This is not fair....'

The world isn't fair either honey. Her mother said.

Mom I'm out of this. This isn't the conversation I thought I would be having right now with you guys just after completing high school. I don't want to be a doctor and that is finally. You can't force me.  I know my 'RIGHT'

Who's going to pay for your college? Us!  isn't that right sweetheart. Her dad said. And my money isn't going to pay for any other courses but doctor course. And you don't make the final decision but I do. Because I am your father!
We know what's best for you.
You better listen to me young lady, and change your mind.

Tray, just do as dad says, you can go to college and study the medicine after which you diverse your course.

Just shut up already Erica.
You spoilt little brat. What do you know about life. Tracy screwed her little sister up.
What do you know, about courses and studies.
She yelled at her little sister.

I'm only suggesting,  don't get upset. Erica said calmly.

The next time I hear a word from your sassy mouth, I'm going to break your nose off believe me. Tracy said angry.

You don't have to be mad, James said.

Tracy eyed him, but didn't say anything.

Whatever we decided is just and you don't have to change them. Her father said.

The decision should be fair. Tracy replied.
I don't want to become a doctor.
She said pulling out her phone and earpiece.

It is very important that,  as parents, we have the right to decide on what our kids do for a living. That is one of the duty of parents. Her mother said.

Not this time round! You guys missed that part. Tracy said and walked out of the meeting.

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