Chapter Eighteen

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Helloooo..... Trayyyy....!!!
Where are you?!!!!...
Wake up!!!  wake up!!!
We are here. You have visitors. Lisa said, as they walked into her bedroom to wake her up.

'We are here to torment you girlfriend'. Irene added.

'I told you guys she must be resting'. Ann's voice jumped in.

Mmmmm... what are you guys doing here, I don't remember inviting any of you over to my place, so why are you here, disturbing my sleep.  Tracy said yawning.
She got up from the bed went to the washroom to wash her face. She returned and Irene was was going through her closet as she always do, whenever she comes to her house. Lisa sat behind the dressing mirror making up her face. She used the eyeliner to straighten her eye browns and applied lip balm on her lips. Ann was busy with Tracy's laptop browsing.

You're not leaving here with any of my dress Irene.
Guys look at this dress, it would be great on me right. Irene said fitting the dress on her boy. Tracy walked to her and took the dress from her and hung it back in the closet.
Now, close my drawers already. I think I need padlocks, to lock up whenever you are coming over to my room. She went to sit in the bed beside Ann.

'Why are you guys here, what brings you here?' Tracy asked her friends.

How was your night? Did you have fun with him last night?
How does he look like,.
I mean how does he look like?
Irene asked.

Am I supposed to answer all that? And Ann, why are you being snitching? You don't have to be a snitch. Tracy said pinching Ann on the bed.

Come on Tray, we are very happy for, you have taken this bold step to finally fall in love. This the best news we ever had since we were friends. We have always wanted you to get a man in your life. You know it.
Come on tell us ,how did you meet him? Lisa catechized Tracy.

'We met at a conference meeting'. She answered.

And.... Lisa said wanting to know more.

"And we have been in touched. His company is going down the drain and he needed help. He doesn't know much about business running and his parents entrusted their family business into his hands and his kind of loosing control and investors and shareholders are worried, so apparently, he needs mu help and we are working on it". Tracy said.

'But you two made up in the hotel room, where he took off your clothes'. Lisa asked her.

"That was my fault actually. You don't have to blame him". Tracy defended Daniel.

Oh really? Irene snickered.

'What really happened that night?' Irene asked.

"So we went on a date, and we had couple of wine and champagn mixed together, my choice actually, because I decided on the drinks choice. I guess I got drunk and he doesn't know my house and he decided to take me to the guesthouse. I woke up the next day and he left a message for me that we had sex. But yesterday he explained everything and, yeah! See I was drunk and what could he have done? Tracy said".

'So he can't put you on bed, without taking off your clothes?' Lisa asked.

Tracy looked at her without saying anything.

But how can just wine and champagn put you into deep sleep? Don't you think maybe he spike your drink or something? Lisa asked.

No, and No again.  Really guys.  You think I can stoop so low like that.? And besides he's a gentleman, he can't do a thing like that.
Tracy sounded.

Wow... just as I thought. Ann said.

'So about the last night, what happened. Ann asked.

He apologized for his actions and said nothing really happened and he didn't know why he did what he did.
We only talked and slept. I wanted to go home but he said it's too late so he suggested I spent the night at his place.  Tracy said.

And you two slept on the same bed or separate bed? Ann asked.

He left the room for me, to the couch. But I asked him to come and sleep. Tracy coy.

"Oh look at that". Ann jumped in.

'With the smiling face Tray'. Irene added.

"See, he is not ready for relationships and neither am I.  You guys should relax. We are business partners and nothing out of the box". Tracy said.

'Oh business partners that even sounds sexy'. Irene said.

'Well yeah ,you two are not in relationship yet but you have feelings for him and that the most important step. Every relationship start from somewhere'. Ann said.

"You know what, I'm hungry and I'm going to fix something to eat". Tracy said.

'We brought you food it's on the dining table'. Ann said.

"That sounds relieved...
Let go to the hall then". Tracy said.

How do I look? Lisa asked after applying some funny makeup on her face.

"Oh you look like a zombie". Tray said.

Lisa smiled broadly at them, and picked the wiper to clean off her face. They left her in the room, to downstairs.

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