We began at 9am and it's now 2:15pm. I sank down into my warm bath, groaning when my joints made contact with the warm water. I was worn out.
Sighing once my body was fully situated in the warm water, I was completely relaxed. Not only 10 seconds after I closed my eyes, my phone begins to ring.

"Fuck! I just sat down! Jesus!"

I stood up and stretched to grab my phone. Once I finally got it, I answered and the voice I heard on the other side just pissed me off more.

"Miss Thomason, what's up? How has your Sunday been so far?" Leonard asked

Exhausted, annoyed and in alot of pain, I wasn't in the mood to have a conversation with him.

"Hey, did you hear wha.....?" I hung up and turned my phone off throughing it in my hamper.

After my bath, I put on some clothes, grabbed my phone from the hamper and jumped on my bed lying on my stomach.

As soon as I started to doze off, Dwacia bursts into my room with a peice of white paper in her hand. She has a horrified look on her face so I guess this is serious (it might not be).

Jumping up I slightly shouted (didn't mean to) "What is it? What's going on? Why is your face like that?"

"Mom! I'm ruined. My life is over and so is yours!"
"What are you talking about?" I asked less worried and more confused
"This letter signals both of our deaths."
"Girl, stop being so dramatic. A letter can't kill someone. Let me see it."

"No! Mom, trust me, you don't want to read this. Your not gonna like what's on it."

"Oh please, I bet it's not that bad. Here give it to me." I said snatching the letter from her hand and scanning over it.

"What the fuck?!" "Told you."


Wolfrain Serimunt Middle school
136B Saturnane Valley Street 18
Satunane P.O

Dear Luna/Miss Thomason

The Wolfrain Serimunt Middle school would like to inform you of a Mother Daughter Talent Show Competition that is coming up. Mr Combárdo has requested that you enter the competition with Dwacia Combárdo as her mother, unless she chooses otherwise. You are to attend a meeting on Tuesday at 9:30pm. We will be looking forward to seeing you at this meeting.

Best Regards
Mr. Simmonds


"What the fuck is this? A talent show? I didn't know anything about this. Leonard didn't even mention anything about this."

"That disgusting son of a b-"
"Mom!" shouted Dwacia
"Sorry, got a little carried away there. But I'm still pissed."

"Look, I know your upset, I'm upset too, but I'm happy that he put you instead of her."

"B, b, but I don't have any talents. Why would you want me to go with you?"

"Mom, that's a lie and you know it. I've heard you sing and seen you dance before. Matter of fact, we all know about your multiple talents."

"What multiple talents, there's only two."
"What? Mom, you can sing, dance, sketch, do karate, kick box and pull apart and put together any gun no matter the size in 10 seconds or less. So don't try to hide it now because of this talent show."

"Alright, alright, alright, I get it. Doesn't even seem like I have a choice now Do I?" sighing loudly I ask "What talent do you want us to do? Please don't choose anything physical, I'm too fat for that."

"Stop that, your beautiful. Plus, I like your extra weight, makes me feel warm and loved whenever we cuddle. I choose dancing."

"Shit! I knew it, I knew it. " I shouted walking away from her with my hands in the air.

Thank you guys for reading my book and sticking with me till now. Sorry for the late update, but I know you liked this one(at least I think you liked it).

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