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- most of the time you're making cakes with her during the afternoon from ready-made cake mix and the time you're actually doing work for the cake is for the design, and the cakes usually look like those cakes with minimal but really cute design :}

- her homemade cupcakes are 💯💯
- she assigned you with putting the cookies in the oven one time and you accidentally almost burned them, this resulted in you being "banned" from using the oven.

- neither of you know what you're doing but it's still fun either way

- mostly they're just pancakes since it's the easiest to do but sometimes you or yachi accidentally overcook a few

- tried making a big cake one time which resulted to your apartment almost burning down, not sure how but it did

- yachi doesn't really know how to bake cupcakes, cakes, or pancakes, really but she makes good cookies??? (i bet she did those cookie selling stuff 😭)

- she knows how to cook but BAKING?? no. neither of you are allowed to bake if she's around 😭

- say hello to a few burns here and there on your skin
- if a cake/cupcake/s go wrong, you both retry but unless you really can't do it anymore, you both just give it up, and order from a bakery for the exact same food you were supposed to make

- saeko knows what she's doing, it's just the oven that's the problem. damn oven.

- i feel like she'd be great at baking
- owns a cake shop‼️
- has a lot of customers everytime

- i hc that even though she's in tokyo, she lives in an area with less people and her shop isn't that far from her home but even so, the people in her neighborhood and her customers love her so much

- who told you guys that you were bakers? absolutely nobody but you'd still bake anyway

- all your (small sized) cakes, cupcakes, even pancakes, etc. suck and taste like ass 😵‍💫 (not that ik what ass tastes like)

- just stick to making smoothies for now 😭😭
- on that note, akane's ingredient choice for smoothies are great and the way she presents it is 💯💯 ik this is about baking but still 😑

- i bet she'll scold you if you mess up on smth you're baking but also messes up herself

- baker wife 💯💯💯‼️
- made cupcakes for daichi 😑❌ only i should get those /j

- i feel like she'd make bread better than cakes, etc
- her croissants
- im not white

- you three bake together just for fun but instead play around, resulting to you getting what you're supposed to bake 2-3 hours later than the original preparation & cooking time

- flour in your face everytime idk they just like to smack it in your face ig 🤔

- no chrollo stans pls ^ even tho i WAS one
- you'd get to eat what you three baked like a day later bc you all got tired from the playing around and not rly with the cooking 😭

- great baker‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
- ily kanoka 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😍😍🥰🥰😚😚 (im using these as a joke 😭)

- idrk for this one she looks like she'd bake whenever she has the time or wants to and the result rly depends on how she made it

- if she put in a little effort to what she was making, it'd come out okay but if not, yeah no nobody's eating it 😭

- makes cupcakes and/or cookies for... 🤢daishou🤢
- you'd make those for her too but make it even better but she thanks you and shares them with... ❌daishou❌ /j

- i like daishou okay 😑😑 but mika 🥰‼️

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