ROYAL 𝘬. 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘪

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"Yn-sama, you should cut off your ties with Kanoka-sama."

The cold breeze hitting my skin as one of the maid's voice repeated in my head and started to haunt me. Why did I need to cut off my friendship with Kanoka? I understand that we're starting to get a little suspicious as we've started to show skin ship, something we both don't like, but it wasn't necessary to ask me to cut it off with her.

"Am I being selfish?" I asked myself, maybe she was right to ask that, it wasn't good for us, the people of the Eastern Empire. If anyone found out that we've been seeing each other without permission, Kanoka might lose her place to the throne, she could be replaced by one of her siblings.

With a sigh, I stood up, off of the ground and dusted the grass that stuck to the side and back of the lower part of my dress. First was Kanoka's coronation, which is scheduled to happen in the following week. The first day of the following week for me was filled with a ton of planning for invitations and to my luck, I was in charge of it.

I sigh once again, I wouldn't be able to do anything in that week because I'd be busy day and night. "Maybe I should ask her to run away with me?" An unrealistic plan made its way in my head which made me chuckle, it wasn't going to happen, she wouldn't agree to it. Not in a million years. The smile on my face faded away the more I walked around the palace, the thought of her being forced to marry someone she didn't have an romantic feelings for made my heart heavy.

Thoughts of her bearing children with someone else made it hard to breathe but I had no right to feel jealous, her family, image and the empire's citizens were on the line and if I were to intervene, everyone would hate me. The Imperial family would never allow for me to step foot on the Eastern Empire ever again.

All negative thoughts soon left my head once I saw Kanoka in one of her pretty dresses, as usual. She ran fast towards me and engulfed me in a hug. "Kanoka, let's not show skin ship in public." I reminded her once again, I always did but now I was being extra cautious. "I know, I know. I was just excited to see you, anyway.. the roof again this evening to watch the stars?"

"As always," I say with a smile as we both walk away from the garden and around the palace while talking about random stuff, the topic changing from one to another.

The evening came, I had a picnic basket with me, as usual and carefully looked around to see if guards were around. There were none and with that, I ran out my room and up the stairs I went to the roof. Kanoka was already there with the blanket laid out and pretty lights around, as well as drinks and cups. I gave her a warm smile as I sat infront of her and placed the basketful of food in the middle. She took them out and arranged them.

The rest of the night consisted of us resuming with the random topics we spoke about earlier in the morning then we both kept quiet for a while. I hadn't noticed that the lights she set up were taken down since the stars were bright. She sat down beside me and held my hand. The pulse in my heartbeat started increasing, skin ship was normalized between the two of us but now that I think deeply about it, it was different now.

"Yn, I don't want to get married.." Her face drooped, and her head rested on my shoulders. "This may sound selfish, Kanoka, but me too. I want to stay with you forever and ever, just with you and nobody else." Ah, there goes my heart. Beating fast as those words came out effortlessly out of my mouth, but I was glad it did, I've been wanting to say that since forever.

The weight on my shoulder disappeared as she turned to me, her eyes widened, "Did I say something wrong?"

"That's not it.. I feel the same way too, Yn." She rested her head once again on my shoulder. "The moon looks beautiful tonight, Yn." Following with a light chuckle. Just when the pace of my heartbeat slowed down, those words processed in my head and it was my turn for my eyes to widen.

"Yeah, it really is beautiful." With a smile, I said. The weight on my shoulder disappeared once again, I turned to Kanoka, our face merely inches away. Her eyes were shining brightly that it put a shame on the stars. Staring at her eyes, it made me realize something...

I had, no, I always have loved her.

"Kanoka-" She refrained me from saying the next few words I was about to confess when she closed the gap between our faces and our lips started touching. In the matter of a few seconds, she pulled away and with a smile she said, "I have feelings for you, Yn, romantic feelings. I know we're both women and everybody'll think it's weird, but I love you."

Her eyes brimmed with tears, "It must've took her a lot of courage to say that." I put my hand up and wiped away the tears that were about to fall down to her cheeks. "Kanoka..." The long pause made her uneasy. "I love you too, Kanoka." The gap between us closed once again as our lips touched once more.

"Never step foot on the Eastern Empire ever again, you're a disgrace to your kingdom. Not only that, but I forbid you to ever meet or speak to my daughter, Kanoka, ever again. Now leave!" The empress yelled at my face as she motioned for the guards to take me away. Maybe... maybe it was for the best, so..

This is my goodbye, Kanoka.

I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS BOOK OMFG BYEEEE anyways make sure to drink water and stay healthy :)

lmfao re-read this again and if you're reading it fast THE ENDING SEEMS OUT OF NOWHERE LMFOAJXOS hope yall forgive me for this one 😔☝️

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