"Okay. Ready to get back to it?" Toni asked taking Hot-dog away from me.

"Yeah, i guess." Jughead huffed. "A serpent never shows cowardice. If a serpent is imprisoned or killed, their family will be taken care of." Toni and I nodded and Jughead started to play with his hands trying to think.

"A serpent... a serpent uh...." He stuttered.

"Come on, focus." Toni said trying to encourage him.

"No serpent left for dead, a serpent never betrays his own and in unity there is strength." I finished for him with a small frown.

"Okay, you've been at this a lot longer than i have." Jughead said trying to relax his brain.

"Jughead, it's simple rules, come on, please you have to focus." I say, rubbing my hands together.

"You need to take this seriously." Toni added.

"Okay i am, Toni. I swear i am." He said rubbing his hands over his face, "It's just..."

"Just what?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at the boy.

"First the beast, and now the laws?" He said shaking his head.

"Like y/n/n told you, it gets harder, this is... this is easy." Toni stated.

"Are you sure your in this? Why the change of heart anyway? Why go from a conscientious objector to being a full-fledged member?" Toni asked, voicing what i had been thinking myself.

"It's because of what you all said." Jughead explained, "My dad and y/n were the only people keeping people like Sweet Pea in line, and i don't want you too stressed with it, on your own, I want to help. I am taking this seriously."

"So, from the top." I ask with a small smile.

"What is the fourth law?!" Tall Boy asked, yelling in Jughead's face.

"No Serpent left for dead!" Jughead yelled right back. I held my hands together playing around with the rings that sat on my fingers hoping Jughead would make it through.

"What is the fifth law!"

"A serpent never betrays his own!"

"What is the six law!"

"In unity there is strength!" Jughead yelled, i raised her hands.

"In unity there is strength!" Everyone shouted together one more time.

"You know the laws. Time for your next trial." I announce. Sweet Pea and i moved to the side, revealing a tank with a rattle snake in it. I pulled out my switch blade, flicking the blade open.

"Grab the knife." I say, dropping it in the tank, as the snake starts spiralling around it. Jughead looked to me and huffed, he knew i wouldn't put him in harms way. He moved forward until he was right in front of it. He looked to me again and i gave him a small nod telling him that it was okay.

He took a deep breath and then stuck his hand in the tank. He wrapped his hand around the knife as the snake lunged forward biting him, i flinched slightly, the snake let go and Jughead pulled his hand out and handed the knife back to me. I smiled at him, closing the knife and sticking it back into my back pocket.

I sat down in front of Jughead with a small smile, "You okay?" I asked, he quirked an eyebrow and then looked down to his hand.

"A rattlesnake, y/n/n. A rattlesnake bit me and drew blood, I could of died." He says as i laugh. I grab a towel with some disinfected and help him clean the wound.

Hidden Secrets {season 2}Where stories live. Discover now