Chapter 3: Starting a New Adventure

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Hello Guys!!
Long time no see!!
Sorry for late posting
Previously I had finished translating and editing it, and only had to post it!
Somehow, I accidentally deleted the chapter before publishing it.
So I had to start translating and editing again from scratch
This time I'm posting this first
Please enjoy!!

'Think. '
'Shirou's telepathy. '
{Archer's telepathy. }
[Alter's telepathy. ]
"Chanting spells or Noble Phantasm."

Chapter 3: Starting a New Adventure

(Snowstorm UBW) *Temporary name for Shirou's UBW*

Third Person POV
"......" EMIYA stared ahead blankly at the person in front of him

"....." The person replied with the same look.

"......So, how did you end up here, Alter?" asked EMIYA to the person in front of him.

"Like hell I know about that! The last thing I remember is Zelretch coming out of the portal and throwing something at me!" said the person in front of him slightly annoyed.

He continued "When I opened my eyes again, the first thing I saw was you staring blankly at me, and I replied with mine. How about you?". Yup, as you might guess. The person in front of him was the mobster, the cool and badass, who was usually called DEMIY-*Ahem* I mean EMIYA Alter.

"I see, more or less what happened to me is the same as you." EMIYA said and sighed at the unexpected situation the two of them were in.

The two of them then looked around them, where snow covered the ground, with a heavy blizzard covering their vision, though it didn't matter to them. Above them lay the night sky, without clouds or stars, only a moon lit up this place, and just as they had in their souls - the Reality Marber - were countless swords stuck and scattered on the snowy ground.

"Wait...... I don't think your Reality Marble is like this, and it's definitely not mine!" said EMIYA Alter who was confused about where they were.

"This is not mine" EMIYA said calmly.

"What?! Then where are we?! Did Zelretch throw us into another world or what?!" EMIYA Alter asked with a bit of urgency, remembering what happened to them, caused by that old man.

"Relax, Alter." EMIYA said calmly "This isn't another world, but this is another Reality Marbel version of our younger selves. "

"Oh..... So what's the old man's purpose?" asked EMIYA after calming down at EMIYA's words.

"According to my own conclusions, it seems that the old man stole our souls and then fused them with our young self's UBW. And if my prediction is correct, then Zelretch will send him to another world to perform an important task which is sure to entertain him, with us in addition. comfort for him." I said calmly while facing EMIYA Alter with a resigned expression.

"Well... We're fucked!" Alter replied with the same resigned face.

"Definitely." EMIYA nodded with a resigned sigh.

They looked at the scenery around them, where there was a snowfall that was starting to cover their bodies, and a storm was blocking their view.

"......So.....Are we trapped in the Reality Marbel of our young selves? A fool who is naive, reckless, and wants to be a hero of justice?" Alter asked with a slightly mocking tone as he looked at EMIYA.

Oath Under The Shattered Moon (RWBY X SHIROU MIYUVERSE) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant