Chapter 2 : Thanks For The E-Rank Luck, Don't You Think?

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Hello everyone, haven't seen you all in a long time, I haven't updated this story in almost a year!
Reasons?? Well ... Like Zelretch doing whatever he wants when in the mood, I'm updating this story again because I'm just in the mood! Hahahah 😂😂😂, so forgive me for my lazy behavior.
Then please enjoy my latest updates.

Chapter 2 : Thanks For The E-Rank Luck, Don't You Think?

(Unknown Place)
??? POV
I felt like something was going to happen to me soon but I ignored it because things like this happened a lot and sat enjoying the silence in my gloomy place.

Then I felt like something or someone came to my soul, maybe that damn bitch will give me another mission, well.....I don't care anyway.

Suddenly a portal opened near me, it seemed I was familiar with this and also my instincts were screaming for me to run everywhere but here - even though I was still ignoring it - I wait for what's coming, then someone comes out, like an old man in his sixties, maybe.

But suddenly I realized who the old man was, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF-!!" but my swears were cut short when he shot me with a ball of energy from him and felt my perception of this place being cut off.

Shirou POV
Right now I'm in a situation where everyone migh-no, definitely run scurrying away to save their ass from a certain old prankster in front of me with his shit-eating wide grin that makes me sweat cold and pale.

"... What do you want Zelretch?" I asked while trying to calm down even though in my mind I was swearing colorful to Root and E-Rank Luck a certain Red Smug Bastard Archer. (Unbeknownst to him, Archer went through the same thing he did.)

"Calm down son, I won't do you any harm." He lied!! Saying things like that with a big grin doesn't make me calmer, you bastard!!

"O-Oh Yeah!" I said with a nervous smile. "But my hunch says you will definitely do something to me !!" I said but his grin widened making me sweat cold all over my body.

"Relax Shirou. I'm having a serious problem that's why I called you here to help me" He said while waving his hand in a gesture to calm me down, even though it didn't work at all.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and asked what the problem was and he answered with a serious face while dropping the Root Fucking Boom Shell.

"*Sigh*...the truth is I'm bored, boy. So I wanted to give you an offer and all the entertainment for me." He said with a tired and bored face.

But that answer only made me paler and almost made me piss in my pants in terror because I realized what I was dealing with right now, this means Zelretch plans to comfort himself by using me, the memory from EMIYA doesn't calm me at all because when this old man said things like this were very rare for him to end in peace.

"....Can I refuse? Please?" I begged him, fuck this old prankster, I'd rather face all the servants in Ainsworth's HGW including Angelica at the same time instead of meeting this CRAZY OLD VAMPIRE!!!

"Can you stop with the swearing that you are thinking about now, even though it really amuse me, but we don't have much time." Said Zelretch made me surprised and winced with a 'oh shit' , because he knew that I was swearing at him.

"Tell you what, boy, how about I offer you a second chance to become a hero by saving the world?" Zelretch asked.

It confused me, even though I still wanted to be the Hero of Justice, but I had top priority as a big brother to ensure my sister's happiness.

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