Chapter 19

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1596 words  

Jack Byrne

"Why are we being called to their office? Do they seriously think we would kill Amara?! We were her best friends, Kale!" The girl called 'Dottie' kept whining.

"Give it a rest, Dot! They just want to ask a couple of things. We'll be done in no time." Said Kale. Who I think is the wise one!

"Correct! You cooperate, and we'll let you go." I chimed in.

"Whatever!" Dottie said.

I checked at the hospital, and found out that; Dottie and Kale were very close to Amara. She wasn't one to make many friends. She had a small circle of friends.

I plan to question them, each in different rooms with a psychiatrist. Even though we won't find out the murderer, we'll surely get a suspect.

I took them to their rooms, unfortunately, we had only one they will have to be questioned one at a time!

"Ok Kale, you go first. We'll ask you a few questions, and it'll be best for you to answer them honestly. Don't panic, keep calm and tell what you know." He nodded in agreement and I took him in.

 "Hello! Kale Saltzman, correct?" Asked Olivia, our psychiatrist.

"Yes!" Kale replied. I left the room so that he could answer without hesitation.

"So, Let's begin. Since when do you know Amara? What was she like?"

"We met on the first day of our internship, we were in the same group..that's how we became friends. Um..she was a jovial person, of course, you might know! She was an easy-going person. But an introvert. And, she could get really stubborn sometimes" He said with a light chuckle.

"Ok, did you have arguments? Any kind of disagreements?"

"Um..yeah sometimes, we did. I mean, even if you are close friends with someone doesn't mean you don't argue, right!" He told it in a "duh" tone.

Kale looked quite scared at first, but soon he got adjusted. I don't know if he was trying to look innocent or he's genuinely innocent, but somehow if feel he wouldn't try to kill someone. End of the day, it's the psychiatrist who will tell.

On the other hand, Dottie looked anxious, she's pacing up and down the hall. She looked pale, all the colours on her face were drowned, just like the pale grey walls of the building.

"Any problem?" I asked.

"Oh- nothing...I...I'm fine" she was clearly not 'fine'.



It took a few hours for Olivia to question both of them. Unfortunately, I wasn't here to listen to Dottie. But according to Olivia, Dottie was trying to hide something. She seemed worried and took too long to answer as if she would let out something if she wasn't careful.

She told that Kale seemed confident and straightforward. He told whatever came into his mind. But she also asked us not to suspect any one person based on this test.

"Thomas, keep an on these two. Track their every movement." Since James was injured, Thomas was my P.A for now.

"Yessir! And Joana's phone was tracked near South Hampton. I have asked them toclose all the exits. They are checking all the vehicles for identities. Ifeverything goes according to our plan, she has to be in our custody by tonight." He said with pride dripping in each word.

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