Chapter 13

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1423 words


Jack Byrne

"So tell me, why did you kill Lily, John?"

"I didn't kill anyone."

I gave Thomas a nod, and he released a small amount of shock. Well, I made sure to tell Thomas to shock him in small amounts.

"Arghhh STOP!!!! I'll tell!!"

"Whoa, I didn't think you'd give up so soon? Are you that coward?" I mocked.

"I'm not a coward! I just want to get over with this as soon as possible." He kept his calm throughout the sentence, finally, he was aware of his consequences.

"Whatever! Now start talking."

"Yes, I killed Lily."

"We know that John. Tell us why did you kill her?"

"Because she was a threat to me! She found out about my business. At first, she was ready to forgive and forget, in return, I had to stop selling drugs."

"Then why did you kill her? Wait...let me guess. You didn't keep your word, did you?" I knew him pretty well by now. He was not one of those men, who would keep their word.

"No, I didn't. I thought it was safe that way, I was home, spending time with my family. But one day, when I was speaking to one of my suppliers, Lily overheard my conversation."

"So you decided it would be easier to kill her?"

"No no, I tried to convince her. I really tried my best, but she wouldn't budge. I thought threatening her would work. But she stayed put."

"That's when you thought killing a person was the best you could do?"

"Yeah, and luckily that evening Xavier had come home, to invite us to the party. That's when I made a plan. It was all planned."

"What was your plan?"

"I would convince Amara to not come, and then on the way home kill Lily. In fact, Amara made my job easier when she, herself told me she wouldn't be coming to the party. It wasn't hard for me to convince Lily to leave Amara alone. But..."

"I bet you don't want us to shock you again."

"I'm telling, alright? Lily was smarter than me. She had already told Amara everything. She knew someday I would kill her. That night after running away from the bridge, I went straight to Amara." He stopped for a second to drink water.

"Amara already knew about the accident, one of the cops had called her. As soon as she saw me, she began shouting, and accusing me. She was about to call the cops. That's why I ran away. I was too scared to come back."

"Oh, so that's why you killed Amara also? Because she was about to turn you in?"

"No no, I would never kill my Amara. I loved her as my kid. I always loved daughters. Moreover, if I wanted to kill her, I would do it the night I killed Lily. I wouldn't wait for 2 years."

"Stop lying, John!!! I know it was you." Saying that I looked at Thomas. Giving him the signal that it was time for another shock!

"ARGHHH Please stop!!!! Please"

"Then you better tell me the truth"

"Please I beg of you!! I did not kill Amara. ARGHHH"

"Stop Thomas" I could see a tear roll down John's eye. A man who couldn't stand lying just after one shock, wouldn't lie again. Moreover, he knows he would be behind the bars even for killing one person. Hiding Amara's murder wouldn't favour him.

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