Chapter 11

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1132 words 

Jack Byrne

"Andrew?! Just a second sir, the name log will be here" As soon as I finished talking to John I came straight to the Knights, I wasn't sure if they had some evidence but I thought it was worth trying.

"Mr Knight, could you tell me why do you have a name log? I mean, it's not bad but how come you have it?"

"Yes sir, as they say, we all learn from our mistakes. A few years ago we held a party, and some unknown people came in and caused trouble...since then I always make sure to keep a track of people who come to my parties. I have a name log of every party I keep!" he looked very confident. There was no hint of hesitation on his face, he was dead sure.

"Sir, moreover, all the people who came were Ariana's close friends and their family-" Xavier couldn't complete his sentence, as the security arrived with an old logbook.

It looked like it wasn't touched for a few years now, old and untouched, although the security had made sure to dust it.

"Ah! Here it is sir, the name log. You can have a look sir"

I took the logbook carefully, hoping it wouldn't tear apart. Even though it was so old, it was well maintained. The names inside the book were neatly written.

1) Lucas Smith

2) Noah Jones

3) Ava Brown

4) Emma Wright

5) Liam Walker

6) John Williams

7) Mason Cooper

8) Jack Inwood

9) Samuel Clearwater

And just like that the name list went on and on, there were about 100 people, but I couldn't find any Andrew Davis.

If all the people had registered their name in this book, and even then I hadn't found any "Andrew Davis" then surely it's John. I'll have to get it out of his mouth.

But this time I can't ask him directly, but I'll figure out something. I knew he was lying, but I didn't have that I have it...I can get a hold of him!

Before I do anything I have to inform Joe about it. I should do it before he asks me. Otherwise, he'll eat me alive.

"Thank you so much, Mr Knight, this helped a lot!" Saying that I left.

As soon as I sat inside the car, I heard the beep of my phone. Only then did I realize, that I had left my phone in the car.

When I checked my phone, there was a voice message with 50 missed calls and 73 messages;


Whoa! For sure Joe is mad at me, but that's fine I'll handle him.


It was late by the time I reached our office, but I guess Joe will surely be waiting for me. I couldn't risk waiting in the basement for the lift to come, so instead, I took the stairs.

As I thought, Joe was there, right in front of the door waiting for me like a predator waiting for its prey.

"Joe, before you tell anything, I have an important clue on John" I knew by telling, he would let me explain why I hadn't picked his calls or why was I this late.

"Sure go on!"

From what John had told me to what I found out at the Knights, I told Joe everything. And to be honest, he looked impressed and calm. He didn't speak for a while, probably processing all that I had just said.

"Good job!" And he finally spoke. "But for God's sake, inform before you do anything. And, do you know what to do with John? Because he isn't going to answer"

"Yes, I do. You just permit me to get him in"

"Fine, for now, let's go. It's pretty late!"

I knew exactly what to do. This time, there is no escape for John, he has to give us an answer. I let him go twice already, but not again.

John's POV

"Okay tell me something, If there was no alcohol at the party, how did you get drunk?" Asked the inspector.

This was something I had least expected when first the inspector came in to ask questions. At first, I thought it would be done in no more than half an hour, but this questionnaire has been going on for the past 1 hour.

But how did the inspector know that there was no alcohol at the party? Who could have told him? Did he ask Xavier Knight himself?

I didn't know anything about this, but now I had to answer his question, he will find out the truth otherwise.

"That...that...I don't know...I don't remember how I got drunk..?"

I couldn't think of anything else at the moment, but this answer didn't satisfy the inspector. I am unable to make out what he's thinking. His face is blank! I have to tell you something.

"Yeah!!" This might save me. This might give him what he wanted. But it might put me into trouble, but now is not the time to think about that. I'll think about it when I cross that bridge.

"There was a strange man...he offered me a drink...and after that only I got drunk"

"A strange man? Do you remember his face?"

At this, I know I am completely stuck in my lie. But I cannot do anything, now that I have started it, I will have to finish it.

"No...but I remember his name"

I couldn't tell him that I knew his face, if a person could if out about the alcohol, then surely he'll get the CCTV footage.

But I don't think there will be any proof of who was there, it was such a big party, keeping a name list of such a big party is difficult.

"You..remember his name? What was it?" he inquired.

Why is this inspector so behind the person?! At this moment I can remember only one name.

"Andrew...Andrew Davis!!"

"Are you completely sure?"

"Ye- yes sir...I'm...sure" I didn't know why I did this, but I had to...I had to do this to keep my lie strong.

The inspector's face was blank, no expression portrayed. I think I succeeded in persuading him into this story I had just made up.

The inspector didn't tell anything further, and just like that was out of the building.

I feel my answers were pleasing enough, that is why the inspector left without saying another word.

But I need to move away from here, as soon as possible. I need to protect my safety. He might or might not come back. I can't gamble on this.

I should have left long ago, staying here has only done more harm than good. Staying here any longer will risk my life. 


Hey, hope you liked this part! Thank you for reading😄

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