Chapter 12

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1163 words 

Jack Byrne

The first thing I did today after coming from the jog, was to print the letter, that permitted me to take in John.

He had 2 choices; either to be truthful or to get caught lying. He went on the path of lying. And now, he'll have to pay for the consequences.

I am already on my way to John's cottage. I didn't want to delay this, he might already be on his way to running away.


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{John's cottage}

Standing in front of this cottage I couldn't help but admire it. It was indeed a beautiful cottage, but the man inside was not.

I was right, as I went in I saw him getting ready to go somewhere, his bags were packed, he was dressed up, and the cottage was neat.

"Oh, Mr Williams, I guess you are going somewhere?" As those words left my mouth, he froze. All the colour of his face drowned, he was as pale as the walls of his cottage.

"Ye- yes...I have a...a" And just like the last time, he thought he could get away with a lie. But this time these tactics won't help.

"Sorry John, you'll have to come with me, now." I told, emphasizing the 'now'.

"You can't take me like that!! You need permission" Ha! Little does he know that I have one.

"I guess I know the law better than you, John. I have the permission." I took out the letter from my pocket and showed it to him. "Here you go!"

Just as I handed the letter to him, he looked shocked. Beyond shocked! And even more, when he read what was inside.  

"So please, if you cooperate, I'll take you with respect, if not, I'll have to force you. Either way, you are coming with me."

I wasn't even trying to keep my calm anymore. I was done being nice.

He understood what I was trying to say, good for him, that he didn't try and argue further. Putting on the handcuffs I took him behind me.

We reached my office. The ride from his cottage was quiet, at first. I tried to ask him questions, but he would not budge. I doubt if he was even breathing.

I took him up to Joe's cabin, not by the lift but by the stairs.

"Come in," Joe said.

"I've got him, Joe! On time, he was just about to leave for his "meeting", unfortunately, he won't be able to make it to that" I said in a mocking tone. John looked scared, but he tried to keep up his attitude.

"Very well! Anyways, take him to the investigation room. And I think you know what is to be done after that" Joe was calm as usual.

"Yes sir!" saying that I left.

After taking John to the room, I let him sit on the beautiful bed, and enjoy the room because this might be the last time he's enjoying it.

"You can stay here, I'll come tomorrow. Enjoy!" I said with my sweetest smile and left.

I didn't go back home yesterday, because I wanted to keep an eye on John myself. But anyways Joe didn't let me stay awake the entire night.

It's 5:30 am now, I woke up at 5 and got ready. Yes, there is a spare set of dresses in my cabin, it's not the first time I'm staying here, all those times when there is an important case like this one I prefer to stay here.

I decided to go to Joe's cabin and tell him that I was awake. He too was staying here for me, though I asked him not to!

"Good Morning Joe!" I said barging in his cabin. We were always like this, really good friends. It was 5 years ago when I got promoted and Joe became my senior. Since then we became close, but we don't like to show it to the other officers.

"Hello Jack, I see you are looking forward to this day, huh?"

"Ha! Of course!" I said with a small chuckle. "Okay then, I'll get going" And saying that I left.

John was held captive on the 3rd floor. My office was on the 1st floor. I didn't want to waste any time, so I decided to take the stairs instead of waiting for the damn lift to come.

"Hello, John," I said entering the room.

"Hey, you! Have some manners, you can't just barge into my room without knocking!! You don't know who I am!!!"

"I know exactly who you are! An illegal drug dealer and now a criminal or do you prefer "murderer"? And don't you dare talk to me about manners, here prisoners don't deserve manners" As soon as I told him about his illegal business, all the colour that was left on his face drowned out. He's a sweating mess.

"Ho- how can you tell that?! AND I'M NOT A CRIMINAL" saying that he pounced at me, to hit me, to harm me. But I was quick I held him

"KEEP YOUR VOICE LOW!! This isn't your place to shout, you are a criminal here. It'll be best for you to keep your mouth shut and only answer the questions I ask." I wasn't even trying to keep calm. He was a criminal and he would be treated like one.

"And you better not even try to touch me again. You'll end up behind the bars."

"Fine! Finish it soon" He was trying his best to act confident, but he failed to do it.

"Of course it'll get over soon, if you give me straightforward answers" But little did he know that he was in my trap already, even if he's not found guilty for Lily's death, he will be punished for continuing his illegal business.

"Please come in" I knew he wouldn't just give me the answer if I asked him. That's why I called for a defibrillator.

"Wh- what is it?"

"Oh come on! You don't know what it is? Well, it is a defibrillator. Which can be used to shock someone. So, every time you try not to tell anything, you will receive a shock. And the amount of shock will increase with every denial." I gave him my sweetest smile.

He didn't say anything, but his expression said it all. He was shaking with fear. It took a while for the defibrillator to set up. And all the while John looked as if he might pass out any second.

"Sir, the defibrillator is all set. You can begin" Perfect!

"Are you ready John?"

"Whatever!! DO IT SOON" I nodded towards Thomas, who had come to take care of the defibrillator because I had to keep an eye on John.

"Arghhhh" cried John.

"I hope now you will remember to keep your voice low, and not even dare to shout!" 


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