Chapter 8

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993 words 

Jack Byrne

Why did Amara feel that John was behind Lily's death? Why didn't John tell us about Lily's death? And why didn't he try saving Lily?

I need to do a background check on this it the person whom I know? If he's not then who is he?

I guess I'll start by checking old papers...If it is the John I know, there will be some records. I might get something, if not I anyways have the keys of his manor. Just like the journal, I will get something.


"Yes, I found it" After some hours of searching, I finally found it. The proof that this was the John I knew, in fact, I caught him!

He's not any kind of big businessman, he's an illegal drug dealer. He sells and transports drugs. He was also seen giving drugs to young kids.

Neither Amara nor Lily knew about this. He kept betraying them. He kept fooling them about him owing a business.

Maybe he was busy travelling and selling drugs, and that's why he rarely came home or even called them.

Wait, he was with Lily when she died right? Maybe she knew something about him? Maybe she wanted to turn him in..and that's why he killed her?

Okay, I should stop making theories and start working on them instead. Because if I'm right, Lily did not die in a car accident. I need to get the details on that accident.


"So you tell that there was no alcohol at that party? How can you be so sure? After all, the party was held 5 years ago." Here I was, questioning Xavier Knight.

"Sir I remember this because it was me who held the party, this was a themed party plus it was my daughter's birthday party. I wanted a safe party for the kids." He answered confidently.

If there was no alcohol at the party, then how did john drink and drive? Was he drugged?

Or was he not drunk at all? Was Lily too murdered? What happened on that night?

This case is getting deeper and deeper... But one thing is sure, Amara didn't suicide. Neither did Lily die in a car crash, and if I'm right, John killed Lily. And he is somehow linked to Amara's death.

The ringtone of my phone got me out of my thoughts. It was James, my PA.


"Sir, you need to come to the location I sent you, now...There is someone who wants to meet you."

"Okay I'll be there in 30 minutes"

Who was it? Whoever it was, there was something, because James sounded tensed.

I arrived at the location that James sent to me. Strangely it is the Williams Manor. Why would he call me here?

"Jack, could you please come up to Amara's room please?" Okay, why's Joe here?

"Sir, I'm Joana Forbes, I looked after Amara after Lily's death." So this was the person who wanted to meet me.

"I still can't believe that my Amara is dead" She began to cry.

"Please calm down...we know how you feel-"

"No you guys don't !!!! If you did, then she would have got justice long ago" she began yelling!

"Ma'am please calm down. Could you tell us where were you on the day Amara died?

"Oh! You suspect me now, huh?" I'm trying my best to keep calm!!

"Ma'am you'll have to help us to get Amara justice, we aren't suspecting you. We are just trying to collect information." I tried to keep my temper as low as possible.

"Okay...I always stayed with Amara. I always made sure she was around people"

"Why so? What happened when she was left alone?"

"This is something no one knew about her, except for Dottie and me. After Lily's death, Amara went into depression, she tried to suicide. Fortunately, she got better with medicines and treatment, but there were times when she got panic attacks...especially when she was left alone."

"But unfortunately, I had to go to India." She continued, "My parents live there, and it was an emergency. I asked Amara to come with me...but she did not listen to me. I thought it was for 2 days, so it was fine. But no...I was wrong, I shouldn't have gone" She cries again.

"Thank you, ma'am"

"James, please take her down"

James took her. He tried to keep her calm but she couldn't stop crying and shouting.

"Let's go," Joe said. I completely forgot that Joe was right here in this room all this time!!

"Joe...What do you think about this Joana? Do you think she's speaking the truth?" For some reason, I just can't believe this Joana.

"Not sure. Even if she's speaking the truth she's hiding something. You need to find out what it is. Oh did you get something about that John?"

Oh no I forgot to tell him about John

"Err...yes! Remember we caught some people in the illegal drug case? John was one of them."

"Oh...Let's not leave John, he might be a clue"

"Yeah! I guess I better leave now"

I was about to leave the room when Joe stopped me. "Erm...Jack, I want to tell something..."

"Yeah?" Joe Clair was never hesitant about anything, whatever he felt like telling he told it on the face...but what happened now?

"Er...remember I asked you to solve the case on your own if you wanted to...right?"


"I would like to take that back...would you mind if I helped you in the case? As I'm seeing...this is not just a case of murder or suicide..."

"Whoa..." this was the only thing that I could manage to tell. I was beyond shocked!! Joe Clair taking his word back? "Of course you can. After all, you are my senior you don't need to ask!"

"Cool then, no more late comings to the office. Sharp 8 at the office"

"Oh god! Okay," I was wrong...Joe Clair is...Joe Clair.


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