Chapter 18

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1820 words


Jack Byrne

I pushed open the door to James' cabin. I must say, he's a tidy person. He has everything arranged in order. Not even a pencil is out of place. Sometimes his OCD kills me!

I straight away went to the green cabinet. Pulled open the door and there it was! The diary was neatly kept on the second shelf. 

I took it and felt the bump on the cover. I carefully tore the cover open. There's a Pendrive. Wow!


"Sir I got the laptop. Let's plug it in" James really wanted to do something other than just sitting on the chair, so I let him do some small stuff like getting the laptop, etc.

"Perfect." I plugged the Pendrive and opened the file named 'AMARA' there are video clips of Joe. I clicked the first one, 

"Hey, Jackie,

If you are watching this, it surely means that I'm dead by now. And you are surely blaming yourself for my death. Don't worry mate, I knew this was coming.

Please, don't be mad at me for what I'm going to say next. I kind of solved Amara's death mystery. Okay, I know I told you that I would leave this case completely to you. But I couldn't.

I thought I would never have to tell to you because you were so close to solving it. But then I knew they would try and kill me. So, I decided to record this.

Before I start giving details, I have some things to tell. Well, there is something that I have been hiding from you all this time.

Um..I didn't mean to hide it from you, I was guilty...each time I thought about it, I would feel the grief and guilt all over again. I want to say is...heh...I didn't think it was going to be so hard! daughter! Yes, you heard me right.

I am Amara's biological father. It seemed like the right thing to do back then, at that time I wasn't in my right mind.

This was long before I got this job. 25 years ago, I was married to a beautiful young woman, Addison Mike. Two years later, when Amara was just 5 months old, Addison was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer – stage IV.

Her condition got worse in no time. It was too late when the doctors decided to operate on her. They found that cancer had spread to her lungs and liver. She went into multi-organ failure. We had to let her go. I couldn't see her suffer anymore.

After a lot of thinking I thought that moving out of Seattle leaving Amara behind, was better for both of us. I thought I couldn't handle being a single parent.

I didn't know what answers to give to her when she asked about her mother. Maybe because I wasn't sure about many things myself. I was not over her death yet.

I owned an orphanage back then, I decided to leave her there. Well, I thought once I got a good job and was settled I could go back, and start it all over again. Give life to my daughter. Give her all the answers she deserved. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't go back for 4 years, I really wanted to...but I didn't have a job yet. And going back without a job was equal to not going itself!

And when I finally went back, I found out that she was already adopted by the Williams'. I did go to them and talk them into giving my child back, but she was so happy there.

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