Chapter 14

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1472 words 


Jack Byrne

I didn't realise when I fell asleep last night. I was reading Amara's diary, it was around 2 am when I last checked the time. Only after that, I might have fallen asleep.

I didn't go for a jog today, I had a headache as soon as I woke up, maybe because I didn't eat anything last night. Jogging would only worsen it.

It's 9 am, I had told Joe about my late-night reading and early morning headache. Even though he was the typical Joe asking me to take a day off, I didn't listen to him.

I just made some avocado toast and I'm ready to leave. I guess I'll do the rest of the reading in my cabin.


"Oh, God! This lift is never on time" waiting for the lift to come every morning is a headache!! I'll have to take the stairs again.

Wishing good mornings to everyone on the way I finally reached my cabin. Climbing the stairs every day feels as though my cabin is on the 10th floor!

"Good Morning, sir. Here's your coffee." James knows very well what I'll ask for as soon as I come.

"Morning, James. Thank you!" Giving me a smile and a soft nod he left.

I decided to start reading Amara's journal.

"Dear Diary,

Today was no different than other days. I still don't feel fine. I still can't cry. I honestly don't know what to do. Most of the time I wish I could die because that is better than living dead. But mom's words keep me from doing so.

She once told me, "Amara darling, life isn't something you should easily let go of. You always have ups and downs, make sure that doesn't disturb your way of living." Since that day I decided to never give up!

Anyways, that man...he keeps visiting. I don't even know who he is, or why is he trying to bond with me. Even if he knew me, why didn't he decide to see me before? Let's hope he doesn't come tomorrow.

Good night


Who is this "he" Amara is talking about? She's been writing about him for a while now. Why would he keep visiting Amara? What did he want from her? Was he behind Amara's murder? I need to find out who this person is.

"Sir, John wants to see you"

"Whoaa James, you forgot to knock!" James barging in like that caught me off guard at first! But I was kind of used to him by now!

"Sorry, sir. He's been asking since yesterday. We aren't able to control him now."

"Oh my God! Okay, I'm coming" What does he want now? Anyways, let's see!

"What is that you want John?" This man was a mess! He was weeping and fell on the floor. According to the securities, he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.

"Please let me go. Please" And he cries again!

"Look, for what you have done, you'll have to face the consequences. It'll be good for you to behave! But if you would help us reach Amara's murderer we could reduce your punishment"

"Okay, I'll tell you anything that you need. Please help me. Please let me go!!" I had never seen him this helpless before.

"Is there anyone you suspect? It could be anyone"

THE DIARY SHE NEVER COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu