Chapter 15

16 6 5

1403 words

Jack Byrne

I took the photo from his hand and looked at the picture. I was completely shocked at the sight. I couldn't believe eye eyes. It was Joe...Joe Clair. Senior inspector Joe Clair!

This means Joe did keep visiting Amara. He was the person trying to "bond" with Amara. He knew her all those months but never bothered to tell me.

Even after her death, even when he knew how worried I was for her, even after I did everything in my power to solve her case, he didn't consider telling this to me.

"John, are you completely sure it was this man?" Even after looking at the proof I somehow couldn't believe it.

"Yes sir"

"How? You weren't even here. Then how could you know it was him?"

"Sir, as I told earlier, my men were always keeping an eye on Amara. And I completely trust them."


What is Joe hiding? If he met Amara just to keep her happy, why didn't he tell me? Why did he even meet her? He didn't even know Amara. Should I ask him?

No, I guess that would be a bad idea. I'll see what I can do. If he was behind this murder, me doing anything stupid would alert him.

"Come, let's leave."

Taking John with me I left his cottage. All I could think of was about Joe. And how I could confirm it was really him. I can't trust this picture, only when I have good and strong proof I'll be able to believe it.

"So, what happens to me now?" John's words got me to the reality.

"Let's leave that to the court, shall we?"


John kept talking throughout the way, but I gave no attention to his blithering. It was only when he told me something about his phone and the call log, that something flashed to my mind.

Oh, God! How could I forget this?! His call records!! If he visited them regularly, he must have called Amara or Joana. I don't know about calling Amara, but I'm sure he must have called Joana.

I didn't realise that we had already reached. I was so busy in think about Joe.

"Get out!" I guess not telling anybody would be better. But I'll have to tell James, I can trust him with this.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait longer for the lift. Locking John on the 3rd floor I came back to the lift again.

"James, my"

"Sir!" Ah, when will he start knocking?!

"Remember? You need to knock"

"Um..yes sir. I thought it was something serious."

"It is important. Listen to me carefully..."

After that, I told him everything. From what I read in the diary to the picture John had clicked. The entire time James kept listening to me very carefully.

"Oh my God! Sir do you really think it was Joe? Do you really think he..." He couldn't complete his sentence.

"Yes, but I hope I'm wrong. Anyways, I want you to get Joe's call records. You know from where don't you?"

"Yes sir, I know."

"Ok good. Until then I'll see if there were cameras in Williams Manor."

"Sir, why don't we question Joana? She could tell us right?"

THE DIARY SHE NEVER COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now