Chapter 4

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736 words


Amara's POV 

A new day, a new start. I just woke up, freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom was as usual ready with a bright welcoming smile, I went near her gave her a long tight hug and sat at the table.

"So hon, what are your plans for the holidays?" mom asked happily as I started my breakfast.

To be honest, I didn't have any, all I wanted to do was sit near the fireplace with a good book and hot chocolate with marshmallows in it and with a thick cosy blanket. I was tired actually, as interns we work 50 hours a week.

Even though it's tiring, and most of the days all we want to do is go to bed, we get to learn a lot. Plus, working with great surgeons inspires us.

"Nothing mom, I'll just sit near the fireplace, and enjoy!" I stated as if it were nothing. But she looked confused.

Was I supposed to remember anything? Are we going on a vacation? I certainly don't want to go anywhere! We are getting only 2 days' holiday, and I want to spend it doing absolutely nothing.

"You know your father is coming for the holidays right? Please don't tell me that you won't be at home."

Wow! how could I forget father, John Williams was coming home. I don't even know him. He's never at home. The fact that he came home only once or twice, in 21 years of my life is just unbelievable.

He left when I was 7 years old. Apparently, he owns a business someplace. Yes, I don't even know where his workspace is!

For the first few years we would talk every day on video calls, well...not "we" my mother would do the talking. I would just sit there next to her and nod. Later, he gradually stopped calling. He said that his workload was so much that he didn't even have time to sleep.

The first time he came home, was when I turned 18. We had a big party. Mom basically forced him to come, with just a tad bit of melodrama!

The second time when he came, was when my maternal grandmother passed away. My mom was in a terrible state. I couldn't handle it alone. That's when I called my father for the first time and asked him to come.

At first, he said that he couldn't come because he was busy and all that. But when he did a video call and saw how much my mother was hurting, he finally decided to come.

"Hey? Are you there?" and that's when I realised that I was having a conversation with my mom.

"Yes mom, I'm here! Yes and No about me being at home because I have only 2 days' holiday." Saying that I waved and left for work.


I woke up as usual. And got ready. Today is Christmas, which I am not at all excited about because I can not avoid my father.

Mom is busy with some preparations for the party. A party that is held for my father's return. He came yesterday.

The party was supposed to be yesterday itself, but I told them that I was busy and would not be able to make it to the party. Well, that is half true. I was busy but I wanted to avoid my father as well.

Walking downstairs I greeted mom as usual. Before I even knew it, dad came out of nowhere and hugged me. It was quite awkward at first but I hugged him back after a few seconds. After that, I successfully avoided him the entire day.

Dear diary,

As I told you, father came yesterday, and today I had to hug him. It was so awkward. He even bought me gifts, which I still didn't open.

At the end of the day, I was successful at ignoring and avoiding him. Which I know is not good, but how much ever I try, I just can't be around him. Don't blame me, I don't even know him properly!

Overall, it was a pretty good day. I had fun with mom. She told me incidents of her childhood Christmas.

Hope tomorrow goes well!

Good night,

 *Back to present*

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