xliv. where we fell apart

Start from the beginning

Aurora didn't remember much about arriving at her parents' house, just apologising for arriving without any notice and asking to stay for a few days. In times like this she was thankful her parents didn't ask questions further than if she was alright, to which she lied and answered that she was fine, but the looks on her parents' faces told her that they did not believe her.

Most of the next day was spent in her old room, mainly replying to a letter from Benjy, rewriting it so many times. She had also received a letter from the Ministry, a response to one she had sent to them during the previous week—she had requested a meeting with the Heads of the Beast and Beings divisions in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The letter stated that they had granted her a meeting for the upcoming Friday at 2pm. Her first instinct was to tell Remus about it, imagining the shy smile that would be on his face, but had to remind herself to stop; she could tell Lois when she came over later.

A quick glance at the clock told her that she should start leaving the house to pick Rosie up from school—her mother had knocked on her door early in the morning before she left to work to ask if Aurora would. She grabbed one of her old coats, praying it still fit her, and headed out the door. Rosie's school was only a five minute walk away from the house, thank Merlin. Despite the month being May, the weather was still mostly miserable and cold.

Reaching the primary school, Aurora waited outside the building along with the rest of the parents that were waiting for their children to be brought out. A few classes were let out, their teachers following them to make sure they were leaving with their parents or guardians instead of some random stranger. She looked around at the kids, trying to find her sister among them.

"Rory!" The familiar voice of her younger sister carried over the crowd. Aurora's eyes landed on Rosie, who was waving frantically at her, standing next to her teacher. She saw her sister tell her teacher something, most likely letting him know that Aurora was not there to kidnap here and that she was in fact her older sister.

"Good day at school?" She asked Rosie when she came over.

Rosie nodded her head. "We started to learn the 3 times tables!" Aurora smiled down at her sister, remembering the days her and Lois would recite the time tables to one another, trying to see who could learn them faster. All the way back to the house, Rosie talked about her day, telling her about her friend Catherine and how she likes a boy in their class, filling her in on all the drama from year two.

"What do you usually do when you get home from school?" Aurora asked when they were back in the house.

"Mum lets me watch TV and have a snack." She said, a look of 'innocence' painted on her face.

"Sure, and I live on the moon," Aurora said, amused by the way her sister pouted. "I will let you have a snack though." She reached to the top cupboard where she found the stash of sweets and chocolate her parents stowed away so Rosie wouldn't be able to reach them. She took two freddo's from the shelf and handed one to Rosie.

They sat together quietly as they both ate the chocolate, the same look of disappointment on their face as they finished it. "Now go and do your homework." Aurora told her, narrowing her eyes playfully. Rosie sighed loudly and brought what Aurora assumed was her homework book out of her bag along with a pencil.

By the time Rosie had finished her homework, Lois had arrived along with her mother. "We're going out." Lois told her after greeting Rosie.

"And where are we going?"

"Leaky Cauldron, of course." Her twin grinned at her, waiting for her to put her shoes on. "You're going to get horrendously drunk with some friends, and I'll drink butter beer or something—does butter beer even have beer in it? Because if it does I'm going to have to drink water. Ugh, being pregnant sucks." Aurora laughed lightly at her sister's rambling. She was thankful that Lois knew that she didn't want to talk about the previous day's event.

When they arrived at the old pub through the floo network, Lois directed them over to a table in the back where Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes and Mary MacDonald. "Hello." Aurora greeted them, nervousness running through her body.

"I'm sorry you and Remus got into a fight." Mary said, a line drawing between her eyebrows as they furrowed together in concern.

"Mary," Marlene threw a scrunched up napkin at her. "She's here to get drunk, not discuss the reason why she needs to be drunk." Mary threw the napkin back at Marlene and stuck out her tongue.

Mary grinned when Dorcas removed the napkin from her wife's hand before she could throw it again. "I'll go and get the first round." She said, Lois offering to go and help.

I really thought that the last chapter was posted last week, so sorry for making you wait two weeks :(

fuck, marry, kill: bucky barnes, yelena belova, natasha romanoff

I'm really bored so comment any questions you guys have and i will answer them :) have a good day!!

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