To The Death- The Newsies

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Jack's team: Race, Finch, Henry, Specs, Les, Blink

Davey's team: Spot, Albert, Mike, Ike, Elmer, Mush


The teams stood on the opposites sides of the gym floor, their hands touched the walls as they stared at the multicolored dodgeballs that lay on the floor. They listened anxiously for Crutchie to blow the whistle on the sidelines.

Katherine stood next to him, a notepad in her hands. She counted the dodgeballs on the court- still keeping the number "15"- and nodded to Crutchie, signaling they could start.

"Alright", Crutchie yelled. "These are the rules: you get hit in the head, you're not out. You get hit below the neck, you are out. No going out of bounds, and", Crutchie looked specifically at Albert, "no distracting people."

Albert rolled his eyes and placed his hands on the wall like the other boys. He glared at Jack's team, trying to show he was tougher than all of them, despite the fact they have the dodgeball champions- Specs and Les- on their team.

Jack smirked at Davey, who glared at him in return. They were having a small competition of their own; trying to see who could win the most group games. So far, Jack was in the lead by two points, and he was hoping to make it three.

Crutchie looked to see if everyone had their hands on the wall. "On your mark. Get set", Crutchie blew the whistle and watched the boys rush towards the balls. "That never gets old."

Davey's team had the upper hand, as they got nine of the fifteen balls, more than enough. He watched as Les was the first to throw the ball, wincing at the back feed when it hit the wall. He saw Ike give a ball to Mike, who stayed back to watch the chaos when everyone ran to get a ball. Ike threw the ball at Blink, missing almost completely.

Jack threw the ball at Albert, who dodged it, of course. Albert threw one at him, which Jack tried to catch before it slipped threw his fingers. Nonetheless, he regained his grip and smiled at Albert.

"You", Jack pointed at the redhead. "Out!"

Albert flipped him off as everyone laughed. "You watch that show too much."

The game resumed as usual; nothing much was happening. So far, Henry, Elmer, and Albert were the only ones out, which almost evened the teams out.

Davey was dodging and jumping everywhere around the court. There was a silence over the gym- rented by the lovely Miss Medda Larkin. Every boy on the court stared at the others, Davey and Jack having the most intense staring contest that can happen between two people that are 15 feet apart.

Davey saw Jack raise his arm and step forward. He readied himself to find some way to keep that ball from hitting him. He saw Jack thrust his arm forward and found the ball leaving his fingertips, towards the taller boy. He watched it fly threw the air, and he caught it.

"What the hell?!" Davey stared at the ball resting in his hands as Katherine took a picture.

"That's one for the scrapbook", she said, and walked away to the sidelines. Davey looked up and saw Jack in shock as they stared at each other. Jack smiled and ran to his best friend, wrapping him a big hug.

"Congrats, Davey!" Jack pulled away and smiled brighter at Davey. "Guess we can tally that to your side."

Davey blushed and nodded, looking everywhere else, but Jack's eyes. Eventually, his landed on his brother, who was turned around with his hands on his back, pretending to be making out with someone.

Davey rolled his eyes and Crutchie blew his whistle. "Get your butts back to the game! You're taking my entertainment away!"

The game continued on for another 30 minutes, eventually it being down to Spot, Race and Les. Race and Les were developing battle strategies and Spot was egging them on.

Unfortunately, Davey's team lost, which meant they had to buy Jack's team, Crutchie, and Katherine milkshakes from Sonic.

Some people cried, but all in all, it was a good day.

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