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- I think Race is a math/science person. He's not bad at history, but he finds it hard to remember things. He sucks at English though.

-Jack is definitely a science/history person. He's not bad at math, he just doesn't like it and thinks it's too complicated. He hates English with a passion.

-Davey is definitely a English/Reading person. Obviously.

-Crutchie is a math/science person also, but he's way better at science. He's not the best test taker when it comes to math, but he's definitely good at it. I think he wouldn't mind having English and History because it means he can study with his friends.

-Jack, Davey, Kid Blink, Spot and Albert are the only ones that can drive.

-Jack's not a bad driver, he just drives really fast and he doesn't have car. He also won't fill up your gas tank after he uses your car. He has a few tickets, too.

-Davey is a very responsible driver except for the fact he's not. He's knows everything he needs to know, but he swerves so much it's ridiculous. You'd think the boy was British- (as in, they drive in the other side of the road)

-Blink is a very good driver(?) He's never had a ticket, he's the best person on the freeway, and he owns highways. Jack's a little salty because "The pirate can drive better than him." He had to apologize after that one.

-Spot: Road rage. Indescribable amount of road rage. He's flipped off a police officer before. It's scary.

-Albert has a license and all, but he doesn't use it. It just sits in his wallet.

-There are definitely a few different group chats with different Newsies.

-Race and Jack have matching Crocs fight me

-Davey has a collection of Vans branded clothes, shoes, et cetera.

-Henry had a Paw Patrol backpack for a while.

-The boys always sang the song when he entered a room.

-Crutchie is a collector, so when Snapple stopped making glass bottles, he was very upset

-Mush is set on finding Mtn Dew Red (as am I)

-Race and Albert remind me of Eddie and Richie

-Jack and Spot workout together

-Jack's walls are filled with art he made (and some pictures too)

-Jack is the actual mother of the Newsies

-The Jacobs siblings definitely solve puzzles together in their free time

-Because Jack and Davey knew each other for a while before they started dating, they didn't really feel a need to impress each other, so, yes. Their first date was at Chipotle.

-Katherine and Sarah trade stuffed animals (or stuffies. Whatever you call it)

-The Manhattan Newsies are known for being dramatic for NO REASON. Like, if Wendy's was closed, Jack would be the first to be like, "Guys, it's okay. We're okay. It's not the end of the world. We can get through this. We'll all go looking for another place and we'll get through this. Remember: Carrying?" And of course every Hattan Newsies shouts "the banner" while the Brooklyn Newsies are looking at them like, "There's a goddamn Burger King down the street wtf-" (this could be said the opposite way)

-Katherine🤝Writing Comas

-Les is a highlighter kid🙃

-Davey organizes everything he owns except the stuff on his walls. Like if you look around the room everything is in containers and grouped together then his walls are an absolute mess.

-Race throws his clothes into his closet. Davey or Spot organize it once a month.

-Specs is one of the smartest Newsies so the boys make him and Davey compete in spelling contests. He always wins.

-Kath and Sarah always play the "Is it because I'm a girl?" card.

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