Enemies to Friends- Orace

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Oscar was running. He was running as hard and as fast as he could through the streets of New York, not really knowing where he was going.

His uncle found his journal- or "diary", as Wiesel called it. He'd found it, and he read it, he didn't like what was inside it, and he hit him, to say the least.

So Oscar ran away. He didn't know where to, but as long as it was away from that God awful fucking place, it was home.

He'd passed Medda's theater at least five times, finally realizing he was running in circles. Turning another way down the same street, he bumped into a blonde kid.

"Watch where you're goin'!" The kid rubbed his head. "I's was walkin'."

Oscar tried standing up, obviously failing as the pain of his soon to be bruises caught up to him, making him flinch and wince and he crawled away backwards.

"Delancey?" Oscar whimpered quietly and continued to back away. "Woah- woah! I'm not gonna hurt ya."

Race walked up slowly up to his enemy (former) and shushed him. Eventually, he'd succeeded in making his way to the obviously terrified older boy, and shushed him again, trying to calm him down. "It's alright, Oscar. But you gotta tell me what happened. I's can't take ya' nowhere 'til I knows this ain't a ruse."

Oscar felt his tears rushing down his face as he stared at his younger comrade. He didn't expect any of the Newsies to help him, least of all Racetrack Higgins. He's pretty open about his hatred of the Delancey's and Wiesel, just not as open as Jack or Davey.

"I-I", Oscar tried to speak and wipe his eyes. "I-he hit-"

Race watched the other boy break down into tears in horror. The last person he expected to cry in front of him was Oscar. Morris, sure, but Oscar? He thought he'd at least see cars fly before he'd had the joy and horror of seeing that crazy film.

"Um, hey, hey", he cooed. "It's alright. I, uh, can take you back to 'da lodge, if ya want."

Oscar shook his head so fast, the steads racing a few streets over were jealous. He wanted nothing more than to be in a safe place, but the least safest place right now is the Newsboy Lodging House, for more reasons than one.

"Ok, ok!" Race panicked when he heard Oscar sob again. "We don't have to go's there now, but 'ventually, I gotta take you."

Oscar nodded as he wiped his tears once again. He felt his head pounding, like a when you pull a hangnail from your thumb. "He hit me, Racetrack."

"Who?" Race inquired, rubbing the taller, older, and stronger's back. "Who's hittin' ya, huh?"


Race sighed, helping Oscar from his place on the ground, eventually moving into a slow stride. "Yeah, I get that."

They walked in silence, both boys knowing any mutter of words could cause Oscar to break down again.

Race had never seen this before. The last time he saw someone completely broken was when Crutchie was admitted to the refuge. Jack cried for days.

They stood in front of the Newsies living quarters, just standing, both of them refusing to move a muscle. Race broke the silence with a grunt, slightly pulling Oscar towards the door as he dragged his feet.

Race opened the door, only to see Davey and Jack flirting in the middle of the stairs. Specs was in the corner taping his glasses as Finch pretended to hit birds. Everything stopped when they walked through the door, much to the blondes dismay.

Crap, he thought. I thought they wouldn't be here.

"What the hell is Oscar Delancey doing here?" Jack stood up from his seat, ignoring Davey's small plea in order to stop a fight. "I should soak him where he stands."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Race let go of Oscar's arm and put his hands on Jack's shoulders. "Ya don't wanna do that, Kelly."

"Hell's yeah, I do." Jack was failing to move away from Antonio's grip. "He got Crutchie locked up and broke Les's arm. I wants to beat the absolute crap out of him."

Everyone heard Oscar whimper, which gave him shocked and surprised looks from the Newsies in the room. It seemed like everyone else was out today, probably grabbing a seltzer, considering sells are back to where they used to be.

"Listen", Davey stood up, "I understand how you feel, Jack. I want to hit him over the head a couple times, too. See if I can get a reaction."

Oscar whimpered again.

"But we don't start fights, we finish them", Davey patted the shorter's shoulder. "And I think we should hear them out."

The other Newsies whispered and muttered. Jack put his left hand up. "Alright. Penthouse. Now."

Oscar audibly gulped and followed Race, Davey, and Jack to his "penthouse." Just a small, somewhat patio outside the window.

"Okay", Jack sighed as they walked onto the floor. "Talk."

Race nudged Oscar forward a bit, encouraging him to talk. Oscar shook his head rapidly, Race nodded his head faster, and Oscar sighed.

"My-" Oscar cleared his throat, attempting to erase any evidence of his earlier self. "My, uh, Mr. Wiesel.....he, um, he-he hit me. Real bad. Then he th-threw me out. And-oh no, Morris."

Davey raised an eyebrow. "What about your brother?"

"He's still there! I've gotta go get him. I can't let his stay there with that psycho." Oscar tried to leave the penthouse, only to be stopped by Jack.

"Listen", Jack sighed much to Oscar's obvious dismay. "I don't like you. That's nothing but the truth. But I'll help you get your brother, I can swear on that."

Oscar was tearing up on that note, but Race calmed him before he sobbed. The four boys walked into the lodging house, through the halls, and out the door, on their way to an adventure.

Like heroes.


This is shorter than I thought. Anyways, I have some headcanons I can write and give, so I'll be giving those in a minute. Don't worry, their wholesome (sorta).


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