-I never saw a fox with a beautiful pair of eyes such as yours, and I won’t talk about your cute ears... They look so soft, you are really gorgeous young man. Let me serve you something.”

Getting shy, he tried to stop his loud breath when the human took off his hand away from his cheek and bent in front of him. He extended his hand to get a cup of alcohol as Yeosang looked away, he had a really sweet smell for a human. Now the drink in hand, he placed his other hand on the fox thigh, caressing it with the tip of his finger. Yeosang shivered a bit at the sudden touch, why his body was that sensitive? He shouldn’t ask more questions about himself since his body decided to mess with him that today.

-Drink as much as you want.”

Yeosang took the small cup and drink a sip. The alcohol was way too strong for him. The human slid his hand of the fox ears, caressing it. He was right, they were soft and fluffy. San turned his head around, only to see them. The poor human was offering a drink to his fox while touching him like he owned him. How a stupid low-class human had the audacity to touch what was his? How a human dared to look down and disrespect a noble hybrid like him? He did know the fox was with him. He also knew he shouldn’t talk to him either. Since when a Kiseang lose time offering a drink and being all touchy with a low servant hybrid if his intentions wouldn’t be to sleep with him? He couldn’t give him money, only his body. With that thought, it was enough to make the noble wolf completely snapped.

He got up as fast as he could, surprising the two other girls in the same time. He grabbed the Kiseang by the collar violently and with force, lifting him up so feet weren’t touching the floor anymore. San looked up at him, straight in the eyes.

-What did I order? I was fucking clear, wasn’t I?!”

The poor Kiseang only met straight up with his dilated pupils, he had the impression to look into a wolf’s eyes before he would destroy his prey violently. He looked down fast, trying to avoid any eyes contact with him, never in his life he got that terrified. His gaze sent him shivers down his spine. He never met someone with a strong dominant aura as his before.

The wolf couldn’t see anything around him anymore, the only thing he saw was the boy who dared to play with his authority directly in front of him. He released one of his hands, making the boy stood on his tip toes from the lack of strength, and punched him straight in the face, multiple times in a messy way without stopping. The alcohol inside of his body wasn’t helping him to have clear ideas of what was happening. All he wanted, was to make that poor, sad human disappear from this world. He hated them. They were weak. Humans only existed to kill each other's and do poaching with some of his kind. He knew they would bring them misfortune in their world some day or another.

Suddenly, two shaking hands wrapped around his waist, getting him out of his trance. He stopped, before turning around slowly to see his fox, panicking. He wasn’t even able to stand on his two feet properly. He let go of his grip on the poor human slowly, who felt on the ground loudly with the weight of his own body and groaned loudly. His face covered in already red bruises and his nose dripping blood, it was probably broken. But he would survive.

-M... Master please stop... I’m sorry, please...”

Sighing, the two other Kiseang took the poor injured boy, and helped him lifting himself up with care. Taking the boy carefully, the older one spoke.  

-Unfortunately for you my lord, I can’t let this event pass. You can be sure your father will hear of this situation. You still can stay here with your servant for tonight until you calm down. But please, after this, you should go and I beg you. Never come back here again.”

The lady know she shouldn’t say something like that to a high noble, but she was too used to see them act superior like that. And she knew San for a while, or mostly his father, who was a good client there. She bowed her head, and the two ladies walked out of the room with the wounded human, closing the door behind them. San let out a loud sigh, he made another mistake, once again. But it’s not like he already wasn’t a disappointment towards his whole family.

-M... Master...”  

The fox tried to say but honestly, he was a bit scared when he saw his master with that much anger. But a part inside of him, kind of loved that. His dominant aura he had let free... His wild scent that grew suddenly stronger... It excited him, more than ever. He gaged, feeling his underwear getting soak wet, slick dripping down his thighs. It was disgusting. But his body wasn’t agreeing, it was mostly yelling to San to take care of him. He felt his knees went weak alongside with a wave of heat he felt inside of him. Before he could even fell, San turned around to hold him tight against his chest. Now he understood. Why the fox was like that and why his smell was this sweeter and irresistible. It also explained why he felt more possessive than ever.

Yeosang was in heat.

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