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Raven's pov:

"Raven! Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Raven's eyes opened but closed very quickly because the light was too bright.

"Raven I swear if I come in there and you're still asleep-"

"I'm awake" Raven called to the person behind the door. She sat up slowly and rubbed her tired eyes.

Once her vision became focused again she looked around. She was no longer in her room.

Well, she was...

Not her normal room.

This was her bedroom from seven years ago.

And the person behind the door-

Was that her sister?

Raven wasn't that drunk... was she?

Slowly getting out of bed, Raven accidentally stepped on something on the floor which made her retract her foot very suddenly.

Looking down she saw that she had stepped on a small lego heart that Olivia had built her so many years ago. Next to the heart was the card that her mom had helped to write, that she was supposed to give her dad for fathers day but she had ended up just giving him a drawing instead.

She picked up the paper but just her luck, it slipped and Raven winced as the small paper cut began to bleed.

Freakin paper cuts-

She wanted for it to heal but it didn't.

Raven frowned, was she not a vampire anymore?

"Raven Hunny, are you coming?" Called her... mom?

Was her mom here?

Raven dropped the card and practically ran to the door, throwing it open. The familiar scent of her mother's cooking that she had missed so much was floating through the air and it made a smile appear on Raven's face.

"...Mom?" she called, unsure of what to expect.

"In the kitchen sweetheart."

Her mother had a very evident Bulgarian accent. Raven's and Olivia's weren't as noticeable but they were still there. Raven had been able to learn how to hide hers when she had first arrived at the Kennedy school but now, she didn't see a point in hiding it.

She walked towards the amazing smell, her fingers dragging lazily over the familiar pictures on the walls. She hadn't seen this place in years, and boy did she miss it.

Raven finally made it to the living room and froze when she saw her dad sitting on the couch, reading the morning paper.

"Finally you're awake, we thought you'd sleep the whole day away" He chuckled when he saw her.

Raven couldn't find it in herself to speak, she was too stunned.

"You okay Ravie? You look like you've seen a ghost" Her dad joked when he saw her shocked expression.

"Yeah... yeah, just tired is all" She lied casually, although her mind had just exploded.

"Well you don't get enough sleep, I've always told you-"

"Dad, can I have some money? I want to go to the ice cream store after school with Cristen" fifteen-year-old Olivia said as she walked into the room.

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