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Raven's backstory:


Raven had found the exit.

She was now running through open hills with snow under her bare feet, but she wasn't cold. On the contrary, Raven felt very hot at the moment, and not in a good way.

Her heart was beating extremely fast and her breathing was shallow, she wasn't tired though, more panicked. She could also see perfectly fine, better than fine, she could see miles ahead of her, as if it were daylight, which was weird because last time she was outside she could barely see her hand in front of her face.

A small noise behind her made Raven run even faster, but something weird happened.

Everything around her stopped, a big wind pushed against her face and there was a soft ringing in her ears. She immediately stopped running and looked around.

How the heck had she run half a mile in under ten seconds?!

That wasn't normal... Right?

Raven shook her head and continued running, not as fast as before, as to not redo what had just happened. She could see lights in the distance if she could just get there, but it was so far away-

Screw it

Raven forced her feet to go even faster and again, everything around her became still.

In a matter of minutes, Raven was standing in the middle of her town square, where the carnival had been. The carnival games and decorations were gone however, there was a wall that Raven hadn't seen the last time she was here. As she watched closer she saw what was engraved in the stone.

"Memorial wall"

Oh, God...

She quickly rushed forward and began scanning the names. She let out a sigh of relief when she didn't find Olivia's name there, her sister was still alive.

A certain name did catch her attention however... her own.

Her name was engraved on the stone along with the date of the carnival...

Did they think she was dead?

Well according to the man, technically she was.

Above her name were the ones of her parents. So her parents had really been dead, it hadn't all been a dream.

But that meant Olivia was alone...

Raven had to find her.

Raven was standing outside her home, well old home. She could see through the window that a new couple lived there now.

Did they know what happened in that house? Raven could only wonder. She walked up to the front door and knocked, they might know where her sister was.

The wife cautiously opened the door a few inches, when she saw that it was just an eleven-year-old girl, she opened it all the way. The woman looked extremely worried, Raven just then realized she was wearing a shirt that was ripped up in various places, her pants were covered in dirt, her hands and face covered in blood, and her feet were bare. She quickly put her hands behind her back so as to not scare the women too much, but she had already seen.

"Oh dear child, what happened? Are you alright?"

"Accident..." she muttered quietly, what was she supposed to say? Hey, yeah I just came back from two years of being drowned every day and apparently, now I'm dead, but have you seen my sister? Nobody would believe her.

The women hurriedly opened the door and ushered Raven inside.

"Why don't you wash yourself off, then we can find your parents?" The woman said and Raven swallowed. Her parents were dead...

Raven was led to the bathroom where she just stared at herself in the mirror. Her appearance hadn't changed too much over the past two years. Her hair was considerably longer, she was a little taller, there was a small scar right at her hairline where the person drowning her had scratched, the rest of her wounds were healed. Raven guessed that since it was a scar, it was considered healed already or something. She turned on the water and vigorously rubbed her hands, trying to get the blood off. Once she was satisfied with the way her hands looked, she started wiping down her face. The woman came in with a new set of clothes and Raven thanked her.

When she finally looked decent again, she stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the living room, she already knew where everything was since well... this had been her house.

"Oh, honey are you feeling better?" The women asked kindly and Ash nodded. "Can you tell me who your parents are? Or do you know where they live?" Raven froze, how was she supposed to respond to that?

"I'm looking for my sister" Was all Raven managed to say.

'Ok dear, but where are your parents?"

"My sister, I'm looking for my-"

"Honey?" It was a male speaking from somewhere else in the house. It was a few seconds before he walked into the room. "Who's this?" he asked his wife, referring to Raven.

"What's your name?" He asked

"Raven," She said quietly, her voice didn't seem to be working properly.

"Raven? Say, aren't you Zacaria's daughter?" Raven frowned, that was her father's name.

Before she could respond the husband was backing away, pulling his wife with him.

"Y-your dead! You were dead- t-they found your body"

Raven was very confused by this, but she guessed that the people who had taken her probably did something.

"Nadia, call the police!" The man called his wife who then picked up the phone.

"No!" Raven finally found her voice, she sped forward with her... super speed? Or whatever it was called, took the phone out of Nadia's hands and snapped it in half. "No police"

The couple was slowly backing away from her and Raven was panicking. She had just shown them one of her newfound abilities, this wasn't good.

The man grabbed a knife out of a drawer and held it tightly. His wife turned to him

"You cannot hurt a child!" She tried to take the knife out of his hands but he moved just as she did and instead she cut herself on the end. Raven's head shot up when she smelled it.

Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, not this again...

Something was wrong with her face, it felt weird. There was something in her eyes, well more under her eyes. She turned to face the mirror hanging on the wall and gasped. There were veins under her eyes? But they were... moving. She brought a hand up and brushed her fingers against the veins, she could feel them. Her eyes had also turned a bloodshot red.

What was this?!  

 Raven was scared of her own reflection

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 Raven was scared of her own reflection.

But the blood was still dripping from Nadia's hand, and Raven couldn't stop herself.

The need was too strong, she didn't have self-control

And she was only eleven years old, after all. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now