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Avenger's pov:

They decided to play capture the flag since Steve decided to have some fun with training today.

They had split into two teams.

Team 1: Avengers

Team 2: mutant children

Bruce had decided to stay out of it since the hulk didn't really need to train, Micheal was also staying out of it since he was well... a baby.

Raven just wanted to go back to sleep honestly, Adrien had promised them that if they won the game, they would have the rest of the day off which she was excited about.

They were all outside, wearing tank tops and shorts. Raven had her hair in a ponytail.

Adrien was still wearing a tuxedo which surprised the Avengers since it was like a million degrees outside but the kids were used to it. He always wore a suit.

Outside the school was the perfect place to play since there was open land for miles.

The game went like this,

Each team had three soccer balls that they were supposed to protect.

Each team also had a small jail cell that was actually a literal jail cell. The only way to get the cell door opened was with a hell of a lot of force.

If you get grounded, meaning somebody caused you to fall to the ground then you're out.

The point of the game was to get all the other team's soccer balls on your side.

Their field was the size of about four football fields so it wasn't going to be easy. There were also things in between the fields that would make it harder such as pools of water that you had to try and avoid and small shooters that shoot out tranquilizers.

Raven was sitting on the grass with Amber stretching, talking strategies. Luca came over and sat with them, after a moment so did Tess and Tyler

"So what's the plan?" Bucky asked.

"Super soldiers in the front?" suggested Tony

"I guess so, we might be able to catch them off guard or something," Clint said with a shrug.

"Does anyone know what their powers are?" asked Sam

"Sasha told me she had fire" Said Wanda

"And we know Austin has astral projection" Added Steve

"I guess we'll figure out the rest as we go along," Said Nat and they all nodded

"So what's the game plan?" Asked Austin, their team was throwing soccer balls back and forth to each other to get warmed up

"Raven you up for offense?" Asked Amber.

Raven had always been very good at this game since she was super fast but now with Pietro on the other team, she kinda wanted to keep that as a "just in case."

"I'll save that as a last resort, I think Austin and Tess should be in the front"

"Then me and Ray can get defense" suggested Luca and they all nodded.

"The rest of you, don't get caught. We'll switch out after the first round"

Adrien blew the whistle and they all got into positions. Raven was standing guard to the soccer balls along with Luca who had his hands ready.

When the second whistle blew, Austin ran forward along with Tess, who vanished, reappearing seconds later to push Bucky out of the way just as he was about to lunge at Austin.

Steve had run forward and ducked behind a nearby rock just as a rush of flames flew at him.

Pietro had also jogged forward, not yet using his super-speed, only to be tripped by something he couldn't see. Seconds later Tyler was seen, laughing as Pietro stood up again. Pietro ran toward Tyler who's eyes widened and he disappeared. Amber was currently fighting hand-to-hand combat with Natasha while Clint was shooting tranquilizing arrows at Luca who was creating force fields to block them. Tony got distracted by Tess who was disappearing and reappearing in different places, which gave Raven a perfect opportunity to run forward. She sensed something to her right so she ran more to the left and an arrow flew right past her head.

Wanda threw a ball of red power right at her which caused Raven to summersault to the right, behind one of the tranquilizer shooters which she pointed directly at Bucky. It hit him directly in the arm and after a few minutes, he fell limp to the ground which allowed Austin to begin running forward again.

Nat had managed to trip Amber, who fell to the ground. Nat started running at Luca who was still blocking the arrows coming from Clint. Raven super-sprinted forward and tackled Nat to the ground. Wanda had thrown more power at Raven just as her and Nat had gone flying and the power missed them, barely. Instead, it hit Luca's force field. The power shot back and hit Clint, who was sent flying backward. Austin had managed to get the first soccer ball.

So far Bucky, Clint, and Tony were out from team 1, and Amber, Sasha, and Tyler were out from team 2.

Austin swerved to avoid an attack from Sam and kicked the ball over to Tess, who was wide open. The only problem was, Tess couldn't exactly teleport with the ball, so instead, she kicked it in Raven's direction, who was still on the ground with Nat.

She saw the ball coming toward her and had an idea. She grabbed the ball and purposely got hit by the blast of red power Wanda had just sent at her. This sent Raven flying backward, landing back on her side of the field with the ball in hand. Usually, this would mean she was out since Wanda had knocked her down, but since she had landed the first point of the game, the rules applied differently.

Raven smiled, they had won the first round, only two more to go.

The whistle blew, signaling that they had a small break to huddle.

Sasha was cheering from the sidelines "Good Job Ray!"

Raven groaned as she sat up, people on the news weren't kidding when they said not to mess with the Scarlet Witch because damn, that hurt.    

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