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Thank you so much for choosing to read this story!

If you have any questions make sure to ask, I promise I don't bite.... Hahaha (You'll understand that joke after reading a few chapters)

Anyways, Enjoy :)

*All talking in this chapter is in Bulgarian

Raven's backstory:


Nine-year-old Raven was skipping down the empty dark streets of her small town with her older sister following closely behind her. Raven started spinning in circles and giggling uncontrollably.

"Raven shush, they're gonna know we left" Olivia, her sister, warned.

Olivia was fifteen and had been planning to attend the carnival at the edge of town that occurred only once a year. Their parents hadn't given them permission to attend since it was very late and a school night but Olivia was planning to go anyways. Raven had promised to keep her mouth shut only if her sister had agreed to take her as well. The two had stayed up until their parents had fallen asleep and then exited the house through the window, they were now on their way to the carnival, both extremely excited.

"Do you think they'll have cotton candy?" Raven asked excitedly and Olivia's smile only grew. Raven had never had cotton candy but she had heard from other girls at school about how amazing it was.

"I'm sure they will"

The two girls began sprinting when the sound of music and loud chatter came into earshot. Their town was located on the very outskirts of Bulgaria and it didn't have a lot of money so parties and carnivals weren't a regular occurrence.

Olivia grabbed Raven's hand and pulled her as she ran, forcing the young girl to run even faster.

"We're almost there Ray" She shouted above the music that was getting louder and louder as the girls approached.

"I can see it Liv!" Raven jumped excitedly "I can see the Ferris wheel!"

Raven stopped running when she finally reached the entrance. After a few moments, Oliva noticed that her sister was no longer next to her and she turned back.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Raven was conflicted.

Olivia was always a trouble maker, she gets in trouble all the time. Raven however never liked breaking rules, and entering this carnival when her parents had specifically told her not to-

"They're not gonna find out Ray" Oliver put a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder as if she had read her mind. "We'll be back before they even realized we left, I promise"

Raven still looked unsure and Olivia sighed.

"I'll be right back, stay here okay?"

Raven was left for a few minutes until Olivia returned holding a bag of what looked to be a... fluffy cloud???

Olivia took some of the clouds and put it in her mouth, smiling as she did so. She offered the bag to Raven who hesitated before grabbing some and cautiously placing it on her tongue. It immediately melted making Raven giggle.

"It's cotton candy," Olivia explained and Raven's eyes widened. She grabbed a much bigger piece of the cotton candy and ate it slowly. It tasted amazing, which was enough to get Raven to walk through the entrance into the carnival.

The carnival was everything the girls could've expected and more, there were games, food, rides, and Raven's personal favorite, the Ferris wheel.

Raven was currently watching as Olivia attempted to throw the ball just right so that it hit the cups.

"Good Job Liv!" Raven cheered as every single cup fell to the ground. Olivia grinned as the man working the carnival game handed her a teddy bear.

A series of loud banging sounds forced both girls to hurriedly turn and look around.

Men in black outfits and masks

With guns.

Raven's mom called them "лоши мъже", or more commonly known as "bad men."

They weren't a rare occurrence in this part of the world. Olivia was mostly used to them by now but little Raven was terrified.

"Make sure nobody leaves" The nearest man with a mask commanded the others.

"Raven we need to run" Olivia turned to her sister who was frozen in place out of fear.

There was a loud cry and both girls turned to see a woman and a child, both on the ground, Raven noticed blood-

"Ray look at me please" Olivia pleaded and Raven turned her head to look at her sister. "You need to run home now!"

"What about you?" she asked, petrified.

"I need to help them, here" She stuffed the teddy bear into Raven's hands "Take this and run home, I'll be there soon"

Raven didn't move, she couldn't

"You promise?" She called to Olivia who was running in the direction of the woman and her child.

Olivia stopped running and turned around.

"I promise."

"Raven, dinner's ready"

Sixteen-year-old Raven snapped her eyes open, she was laying on her bed, earbuds in her ears. The sound of Sasha's yelling pulling her out of her dream.

"I'll be out in a minute," Raven called back.

She sat up and her eyes were immediately caught on the teddy bear sitting on her desk.

Olivia hadn't kept her promise...   

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora