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Avenger's pov:

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast. Everyone except Raven and Luca. Apparently, those two never slept although they were always tired. Amber had wanted to give Raven as much time to sleep as possible since she had finally actually fallen asleep.

"Is that her superpower? Not sleeping?" Asked Sam, Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Nah Raven's nocturnal. Girl's not even human" Austin said with a laugh. Amber shot him a glare. She had the feeling Raven didn't want the Avengers to know anything like that. Steve, however, looked interested.

"What do you mean she's not human?"


"-gonna kill you if you keep talking about her behind her back." Amber interrupted, trying her best to tell Austin to shut up without actually telling him.

However, now the rest of the Avengers seemed interested in the topic.

"Didn't she say that she had super speed?" Asked Nat, remembering their conversation in the car from the day before.

"Not only that, she can also-"
"-pass me the pancakes please," Amber said loudly, in an attempt to move the conversation elsewhere. Wanda was giving her a funny look and Amber remembered that she could read minds.

Don't think

Don't think

Don't think

"Super speed? Like me?" Asked Pietro, also remember how she had sped to him and flipped him over with impressive strength. "She also seems strong," He added and Austin nodded.

Amber loved Austin to pieces but sometimes... she wished he would just shut the hell up.

"That's what happens when you're a va-"

"-Good morning"

Everyone's head turned to the door where Raven was standing with her arms crossed. Amber let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Raven, we were just talking about you," Austin said happily.

Raven sat down at the table and started putting food on her plate.

"I know, you're very loud"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you," Said Amber, who was very thankful that Raven had gotten there when she did.

"Don't worry about it, I've been awake for a while"

Once everyone had finished eating, they gradually moved toward the training rooms. Bucky and Steve were sparring while everyone else was cheering them on.

"Punch him right up his-" Raven put a hand over Tyler's mouth to stop him from finishing that sentence, he was only ten, after all.

Pietro was looking curiously in Raven's direction. Austin's words still ringing in his ears "not even human" If she wasn't human, then what was she? She looked like a normal person to him, but then again so did everyone else in this room and they were all far from normal.

"Drop it Pietro" Wanda whispered from behind him. "She'll tell us when she's ready." Pietro glared at his sister, they had talked about privacy, she wasn't supposed to read his mind.

He looked back over to Raven but she was gone. Nobody seemed to notice that she had left. Something wasn't right. And since Pietro was nosy, he was going to figure it out.

Raven was back in her room. She liked it there, she had light gray walls, the bottoms of which were covered in different paintings that Raven had done when she was bored. She had a queen bed pushed up against the wall. At the end of the bed was a small cabinet that carried her TV. She had a small fluffy white rug on the wooden floor along with a small mess of clothes. Raven wasn't exactly the neatest person, she wasn't messy either, she just didn't like putting her clothes away. There was a door in the corner of the room that led to her bathroom. The door next to it led to her small walk-in closet.

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