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Raven's pov: 

After the jet officially landed back at the tower, Raven was the first one off, with the help of Pietro of course. 

Raven's entire head was spinning, different memories making random appearances. Being back at the tower, a place she was familiar and comfortable with, seemed to be helping which she was glad about. 

Raven was having the absolute biggest headache she'd ever had in her life, it felt like her entire brain was melting just from the dim lights of the hallways as Pietro led her to his room. The Avengers weren't back from their mission yet, Amber had called them on the way back to tell them what happened, Bruce promised to check Raven for injuries as soon as he got back. 

Raven was almost positive she had a concussion, as well as a broken rib, or so it felt as she made herself comfortable on the bed. Pietro had offered to take her directly to the medical room to find some kind of medication for the pain but Raven, no offense to Pietro, decided it was a better idea to wait for a professional to come to tell her what to do, she didn't want to wake up as a weird alien in the morning from unknown chemical exposure. 

Pietro helped her by placing the cup of water directly at her lips for Raven to drink. She was thankful for that, being too tired to do anything herself. 

Was this what it was like being human? 

being tired all the time, the sore limbs, the laziness? 

Raven decided, she didn't like it. 

Actually, she hated it. 

for the first time in her life, Raven missed being a vampire. She wanted to be able to race Pietro down the hall, she wanted to be strong, she wanted to be able to compell the carnival worker to let her and Pietro ride the Ferris wheel one last time, even though the ride was closed.

Pietro seemed to know what she was thinking. carefully laying next to her, as to not move her too much since she was already in pain, he wrapped his arm around her, keeping her safe. 

"It's not too bad you know" he started, staring up at the ceiling fan. 

Raven scoffed and rolled her eyes but instantly regretted it when another wave of pain shot through her head. 

"you can't even talk, your barely human" she shot back. 

Pietro peered down at her, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"you're like-" Raven searched for the right answer, but her brain seemed to be working at a much slower pace than what she was used to, "-fast?" she finished, sounding unsure of her own words.  

Pietro chuckled and shook his head. "yes I am fast Raven, good observation" he praised sarcastically causing Raven to smack him in the arm. 

"I just turned undead, give me a break" she defended. 

"But seriously, it's not too bad once you get used to it,"  he told her honestly. 

Raven nodded, wanting to believe him, but all she felt was pain. Being human was painful. 

"You don't need that anymore" Pietro pointed to the sunlight bracelet around her ankle. Raven stared at it for a moment before shrugging. She may not need it, but she was still going to wear it. It had too many good and bad memories to get rid of. 

"and you can finally be near blood" he pointed out. 

Now it was Raven's turn to give out a little laugh, which quickly turned into a groan when her rib erupted in pain. 

He was right though. 

Everything Raven had once been afraid of, no longer mattered. 

She had been scared of getting too close to blood, that wasn't a problem anymore. 

She had been afraid, that since she was a vampire, she wouldn't be able to have a future with Pietro, but that wasn't a problem anymore either. 

She had been scared of losing her sister.... but that problem was also over. 

Mason was dead. 

Her family was safe. 

She was alive. 

Now all she had to worry about was the fact that she'd have to get out of this extremely comfortable bed to get to the medical room when bruce came back. 


About half an hour later, there was a small knock on the door before Bruce poked his head into the room. 

Raven had fallen asleep. At least, Pietro hoped that she was sleeping and nothing worse. 

Bruce was smart enough to know that Raven wouldn't want to go all the way to the medical room so he made the decision to bring his med kit with him so he could fix her up in the comfort of Pietro's bed. 

The good thing was before Raven became human again, they had taken different vials of her blood, in case they ever needed to heal anyone's major injuries. 

All Bruce had to do was inject a small amount into Raven's arm and her broken rib and concussion healed themselves perfectly. 

She stirred a little as her eyes opened just the smallest amount. The blood may have taken away the pain but she was still tired as hell. 

"sleep Raven" Pietro advised her as Bruce sent him a nod before leaving the room. 

Raven nodded, it wasn't like she wanted to do anything else, but she was hungry...

Sending a final look to Pietro before shutting her eyes again. 

"wake me up for dinner please," she mumbled before letting sleep overtake her again. 

A/N: So this is the second to last chapter. 

Make sure you read tomorrow's A/N so you know about upcoming stories. 

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