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Raven's pov:

Clint had wrapped her already healed leg, she could feel Pietro's eyes on her the whole time, Raven had decided that was enough training for one day. She had quickly left the training room and half jogged all the way back to her bathroom.

After a nice warm shower, she figured she should probably go have that talk with Hadeon now, if anything at least it would distract her from what just happened... or, almost happened? Raven wasn't even sure.

Walking down to the interrogation rooms, Raven noticed how the red barrier was still there meaning Hadeon couldn't leave, but everyone else could, courtesy of Wanda.

"Good morning Raven," Hade said as she walked into the room and sat in the chair across from him.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked casually and he scoffed.

"I didn't, you guys locked me in here remember?"

"Tell us what we need to know, and then you'll be free to leave," Raven told him.

Hade seemed to consider for a moment before shrugging and leaning back in his chair. Raven took that as a sign to start asking questions.

"You told me, on your first day here, that you were working for someone" Hade didn't agree or deny that statement so raven continued, "Who are you working with? Or who are you working for?"

Hadeon sat up a little straighter and gave Raven a pointed look before responding.

"I was offered something I wanted and in return, I did a few things for them. And let me tell you, they are not very big fans of the Avengers"

Raven nodded, allowing him to keep going.

"If you want the attacks to stop, he's probably the one you have to kill"

"I think Steve should hear this," Raven said standing up.

So Hadeon had spent the last week at the Kennedy school.

Imagine his surprise when he found out he had actually been kidnapped by the people he was supposed to find, it definitely made his life easier. He had spent the last week observing and listening to them. Although they had kidnapped him, they did it to save each other. Hadeon didn't think they deserved to die... and he definitely didn't want to be the one to do it. Which was why he hadn't snapped their necks yet. He was starting to rethink his whole deal with Mason. Steve had offered him freedom from both Mason's facility and the Avengers. He could just take that and leave. But then he would never get his cure...

Ten minutes later, Raven, Tony, and Steve were all standing in the interrogation room.

"Well does this mystery guy have a name?" asked Tony, after Hadeon repeated everything he had said to Raven, to the other two.

"Mason? Myles? I don't really remember."

"How do we reach this Mason guy?" Asked Steve.

"There's a facility like a place a little away from the town you found me in, I'm pretty sure he'll be there"

Hadeon had decided that if the Avengers destroyed the facility, then he could just go in and get the cure. By the time they did that, hopefully, the cure would be ready.

Raven froze when she heard those words.

Was he talking about-

Couldn't be


"Facility place?" She asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. "What do they do there?"

"Test on kids or something. Something about pushing the human body to its extent in an attempt to create mutants" Said Hadeon, trying to remember what exactly Mason had said to him.

Raven's eyes widened, Hadeon seemed to be the only one who noticed and he raised an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything about it.

"That's messed up" Said Tony and Steve agreed with him.

"What did Mason offer you?" Asked Raven

Hadeon didn't respond. He knew he probably shouldn't tell her. What if she wanted the cure for herself? He couldn't let her have it. So instead he remained silent. Steve sighed and began walking to the door, Tony following behind. "I'll go tell the others" he announced before disappearing behind the door, leaving Raven in the room with Hadeon.

"What would this facility have to offer a vampire like you?" She asked, curiously.

Hadeon just looked at her, not saying a word. "Especially a place like that" she added, watching carefully for his reaction.

He furrowed his eyebrows in the slightest and tilted his head to the side.

"You know what they do?" he asked, not expecting that.

It was now Raven's turn not to respond. She hadn't thought Hadeon was evil, but if he could work for a place like that, no matter what they had to offer him.

"Goodnight Hadeon."

With one last look in his direction, Raven left the room. Leaving Hade to watch her go, wondering how a girl like Raven would know about a place like Hydra. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora