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Raven's pov:

Raven, Wanda, and Pietro were standing in the jet.

The twins were attempting to convince Raven that everything was going to be okay.

Raven was attempting not to panic.

"She's your sister Raven, everything will turn out the way it's supposed to," Wanda said, pushing Raven toward the exit of the jet.

"Yes, You have nothing to worry about Raven" Pietro gave her a thumbs up.

Raven took a deep breath. Olivia was her sister. Olivia would understand.

"Here goes nothing" Sighed Raven as she took a step outside the jet.

"Good luck" called Pietro.

"We'll be waiting right here. But take all the time you need" Called Wanda.

Raven gave them both thankful smiles before turning back toward her sister's street.

She was going to do it.

No turning back this time.

Raven began to walk down the street. Her nerves were building with each step she took. What was she supposed to say? Hey sis, sorry I haven't talked to you in five years, I'm a vampire now and I attend a school for mutant children.

Yeah... that wasn't going to work.

Finally Raven was standing on the front porch. Telling herself that it was okay to knock.

Just go with the flow Raven. Everything's gonna be okay.

Yeah... everything's gonna be okay.

She knocked.


After five years of trying to convince herself to do it.

She finally did it.

Now all she had to do was actually talk to Olivia.

Should be pretty easy... right?

Raven heard barking from the other side of the door. Maybe Olivia wasn't even home? Maybe she was out somewhere? Raven should just turn around and-

The door opened.

Oh crap.

Olivia was standing there, dirty blonde hair tied in a messy bun, an apron tied around her waist.

"Can I help you?" she asked kindly.

Raven swallowed.

It was now or never.

Pull yourself together Raven.

"Yeah... umm I was wondering if I could... use your phone?" Raven mentally slapped herself.


This was off to a great start...

"Mine died, and I really need to... call my boyfriend..." Raven added.


This was just getting worse and worse.

"Of course sweetheart I'll go get it. You're welcome to come inside while you wait" Olivia offered.

Raven stepped inside the home and looked around. She had seen some parts of the house through the window but looking at it from the inside, it was exactly what she would've imagined Olivia's home to look like. The walls were painted white but there was a mix of bright colors in the paintings and the furniture.

A small dog was running around Raven's feet, she bent down to put the dog's head.

"That's Hershey, don't worry she's nice"

Raven looked up to see Olivia walk back into the room carrying a cellphone in her hand.

Raven scratched Hershey behind the ears one more time before standing up and accepting the phone from Olivia.

This was her chance.

Come on Raven.

"Sit down," She said calmly, looking directly into Olivia's eyes.

Olivia immediately sat down on the couch, looking confused. Raven probably should have taken a better approach but whatever.

Raven walked up and sat on the couch across from her sister.

"Sit here, listen to what I'm going to say."

And then Raven explained it. She explained all of it. Starting on the day of the carnival and the bad men in masks. She told Olivia to remember that night at the park where Raven had attempted to talk to her. Olivia sat and listened to everything she was saying. Her face was a mix of emotions that Raven was scared to decipher.

"And I've been staying at the Kennedy school ever since."

Raven finished.

She finally looked into Olivia's face and tried to figure out what her sister was thinking by her expressions.

However, like Raven, Olivia was good at keeping emotion off her face when she wanted to.

"So you've been alive for seven years?" Olivia finally asked.

"Yes... and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you"

"And you're a vampire?"


Oliva nodded in understanding. Raven then realized she was stuck to the couch and she quickly leaned forward to look Olivia in the eyes.

"And you can stand up now."

Olivia immediately stood up and stretched out her arms a little bit before turning back to Raven who had been watching her anxiously.

"I thought you were dead for seven years," she said.

Raven looked down, she couldn't bear to see her sister's betrayed expression.

"Liv, I'm so sorry. I just didn't-" 

She stopped talking when a pair of arms wrapped around her. Raven raised her head only to have a section of very good smelling blonde hair on her face. Once Raven realized what was going on her quickly wrapped her arms back around Olivia.

"Just promise me you won't do it again"

Olivia stepped away from the hug and Raven smiled. That had gone better than she had expected it too.

And she finally had her sister back.

"I promise."

Olivia smiled, obviously pleased at her response.

"I'm making breakfast, you should stay," Olivia suggested. "Unfortunately my husband is on a business trip but when he comes back you should meet him. I think you two will really hit it off."

Raven was about to accept but then she remembered that the twins were waiting for her in the jet.

"I don't know if I can stay, My friends are waiting outside"

Olivia suddenly smirked, "Right, that boyfriend you needed to call right?" she asked, innocently but Raven glared at her.

"I do not have a boyfriend," She said.

Olivia laughed, "Well you should invite them too, I want to meet your not boyfriend"

Raven rolled her eyes.

Sure she had wanted to talk to her sister for the past five years, ever since that night at the park. 

But her sister was still her sister after all. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant