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Hadeon's pov:

Hadeon had gone to Hydra. He had to make sure Mason's army would be ready to fight. He hadn't expected to stay very long but it had been hours because Mason needed each and every detail about the mutant kids that Hadeon could offer.

He would usually feel bad about letting the other kids at the school die. They weren't the ones who killed his wife.

His wife.

The person he had promised to spend the rest of his life with.

The person who had helped him become more than just a vampire.

Hadeon's anger outgrew any doubts in his mind.

Raven needed to die.

And he was going to kill anyone else who tried to stop him.

When he came back home only found her body gone...

He completely lost it.

By the time he was done, every single piece of furniture in the house was destroyed.

Every couch was ripped apart, every table was split in two, every pillow was torn open, almost every bottle of alcohol in the house had been smashed except for the few that Hade had decided were worth drinking. But he didn't feel better.

First Raven had killed the only person in the world that made this life worth living, then she had come back and taken her body from him.

Hadeon was currently standing in the kitchen. He had just finished a bottle of whiskey and smashed it against the counter. He wasn't sure what bottle number he was on but it was definitely somewhere in the double digits.

He was staring at a photo that was placed next to the sink. It was their wedding day. Olivia was wearing a beautiful long white lace dress, her blonde hair was pulled back into a neat french braid going down her back. She looked absolutely stunning.

Hadeon started laughing

He wasn't even sure why.

His laugh quickly became a sob as he took another look at the wedding photo. In one swift motion, he grabbed the photo and threw it at the wall. The frame shattered into a million pieces which Hadeon didn't care to clean up.

Not like he needed to.

He was the only one here after all. 

Even Hershey was gone.

Apparently Raven had taken his dog too.

Hadeon sighed.

Still covered in sweat, blood, tears, alcohol, and quickly healing cuts and scratches from all the glass, Hadeon stood himself properly and walked out of the house. He might as well make himself useful and go plan how he was going to make Raven pay.

And boy was she going to pay.

Raven was sitting in the back of Adrien's office.

The Avengers had taken Olivia's body back to the school to run tests on the DNA on her neck, with Raven's permission of course. Tony and Bruce had been led to the medical room to start running tests.

Raven had taken Hershey with her, it felt wrong to leave her there by herself and even if Hadeon did come back, Raven wasn't going to leave the dog with the person who murdered her sister.

Hershey was comfortably curled in Raven's lap while Raven gentry stroked her back. Raven's eyes were fixed on the ground, she was listening but not actually listening to the others who were having a conversation about everything Raven didn't want to talk about.

"How the hell did he get there before us?" Asked Steve.

"He's a vampire, we underestimated him," said Bucky.

There was an awkward silence and Raven knew some of them were looking at her.

"So Hadeon said the man's name was Mason?" Asked Adrien.

"Yeah, something like that?" Said Steve.

Adrien seemed to think for a moment.

"You know, I have a brother named Mason. He's always been jealous that he doesn't have anything that makes him special" said Adrien.

"You think Hadeon's boss is your brother?" Asked Clint.

"It's possible," Adrien replied.

Raven glanced up, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to be mad at Adrien or not. It wasn't his fault this his brother murdered her sister. Just like it hadn't been Olivia's fault that Raven had literally been the worst sister in the world. With that sad thought, Raven put her head back down.

"Do you know what your brother's trying to do?" Asked Nat.

Before anyone had any time to respond, Tony and Bruce walked into the room.

They looked at Raven, who had heard them walk in but had kept her eyes on the ground. They then glanced at each other before turning to the others.

"So we ran a few tests..." Started Bruce.

"It wasn't a vampire who bit Olivia" finished Tony.

Now Raven looked up.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"What killed her was the stab wounds. The vampire bites... Those were... fake. There was no DNA other than her's on her neck. No vampire killed your sister Raven" said Bruce, taking off his glasses and giving her an apologetic look.

Raven was stunned. "What?! How is that possible?" She asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

If Hadeon hadn't been the one to kill her sister...

Then who the hell had?

"We need to go back to Bulgaria, maybe we can find some clues as to who actually killed Olivia. You don't have to come-"

But Raven was already standing up, gently placing Hershey on the chair she had recently been occupying.

"I'm coming with you," She said.

Nobody bothered to disapprove.      

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum