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 Raven's pov:

It was another beautiful morning. Pietro and Raven were laying in bed, watching the Harry Potter movies. After Raven had discovered that Pietro had never even read the books, she had to change that, she just had to. So she had forced him to lay next to her at ten in the morning and watch the screen which was playing Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Raven reached her hand into the popcorn bowl only to find that it was empty. Apparently, they had eaten all the popcorn. Raven sighed and paused the movie. She stood from the bed with the bowl in her hands.

"I'll go refill the popcorn, do you want anything to drink?" She asked, Pietro, shook his head.

Raven was walking down the hallways, wondering whether or not she should add butter or salt to the popcorn, maybe she would just add both. Her ears picked up on a conversation happening in the kitchen. She tried her best not to listen, having enhanced hearing was sometimes a pain in the ass when Raven was trying to let people have their privacy.

She froze when something in the conversation caught her attention.

"What do you think is happening at the Kennedy School?" a person who sounded like Clint asked.

"I wish I knew, and I also want to know what's so bad that Raven's not allowed to be there" Raven suspected that this person was Sam.

"It's probably bad if she has to stay here for her protection"

"Yeah, and he doesn't even want Raven to know."


"Do you think it has anything to do with Hydra?"

"It's possible, I hope they're not in trouble"

"Yeah, me too."

Raven stopped listening to the conversation. She was completely in shock.

What the hell was going on?!

Raven had left the Avengers compound. She felt rather guilty for not telling Pietro where she was going but Clint and Sam both knew that apparently Raven wasn't allowed to go back to the Kennedy School and she wasn't sure if any of the other Avengers were going to try and stop her.

Her mind was racing.

Was something wrong?

Were they in trouble?

Why wasn't Raven allowed to come back?


Hydra was gone, there was no way.

Just the thought that something could be wrong with her family made Raven speed up to the jet.

Pietro had gotten tired of waiting for Raven to come back with the popcorn. He decided to go find her and hopefully pull her away from whatever she was doing so that she could spend more time with him.

He was casual with his hands in his pockets, humming a random song he had been playing on the guitar. He walked into the kitchen to see Sam and Clint sitting at the counter, eating from tubs of ice cream.

Pietro walked to the freezer to take one out for himself, he also grabbed two spoons.

"Have you guys seen Raven?" He asked the other two.

They both shook their heads which made Pietro confused. She was coming to get popcorn right?

"Did she tell you what she was doing?" Asked Sam.

"She was supposed to come here, to get popcorn. But she never came back." She said, taking a bit of the ice cream into his mouth to test if this flavor was good.

He stopped what he was doing when he noticed Clint and Sam glancing at each other.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's probably nothing. But just a few minutes ago we were talking about the Kennedy School" Said Clint.

"You don't think she could've heard right?" asked Sam.

"Well, she does have super hearing. Fury did say that if she found out she would drop everything to go help them." Said Clint worriedly.

"Anything wrong?" Asked Nat who had just come in. She took Clint's ice cream and began to eat some herself.

"We're worried about Raven," Said Clint.

"What about her?"

"We think she might've heard us talking about Kennedy, now nobody knows where she is," explained Sam, who was also looking worried.

"Relax, she's probably just with Wanda," Said Nat.

Pietro sped out the door, to check if that was true.

Pietro knocked harshly on the door.

A very unhappy-looking Wanda answered and raised her eyebrows at him.

"What do you want Pietro?"

"Have you seen Raven?!" he asked.

Wanda's unhappy expression suddenly turned to one of confusion.

"No, I thought she was with you"

Pietro ran a hand over his face. This was bad, this was really really bad.

Before Wanda could say another word, he had sped away.

Pietro sped outside, where the jet was kept. If Raven was going back to school, so was he.

He just had to make sure she was okay.

He wasn't sure how to fly the jet, he also wasn't sure where the Kennedy school was even located. Luckily the jet had an autopilot with the coordinates already saved.

In a matter of seconds, the jet was in the air.

Pietro had no idea what was happening at the Kennedy school but whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Pietro just hoped nothing would happen to Raven.

He was supposed to protect her...

And he was doing a horrible job at it. 

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora