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Raven's pov:

Raven walked quietly into the base, trying to make as little noise as possible. She had to compel the guards at the front to ignore that she was there and she didn't want to blow her cover.

She looked down at her phone at the blueprints that Tony had sent them of the buildings. There was an interrogation room, it was possible Amber and the others were there. There was also a prison room. Raven hated the thought of them being in there.

She decided to check out the interrogation rooms first. Surely if Mason had them, he would want to question them. She jogged silently down the hallways, towards where she hoped the interrogation rooms were. She wasn't the best at reading maps in all honesty. Pietro hadn't checked in yet which meant he either hadn't found anything yet or something bad had happened. Raven shook her head, Pietro could take care of himself.

She finally made it to the interrogation room only to find that all of them were empty. Guess they weren't in here. Time to check the prison room. Just as Raven was turning around to walk down a different hallway two guards came walking towards the interrogation rooms, probably just for an inspection. Usually Raven wouldn't have minded but she could hear more footsteps coming from the other direction and she couldn't compel that many people so fast so that they wouldn't start shooting. She hadn't yet decided what to do when the two guards came into view and caught sight of her.

Oh great...

The other guards came into view and Raven was displeased to see that there was a whole group of them, at least seven. They all kinda stared at each other for a few moments, seeming to be confused about what was going on. Then one of the guards raised their gun and started shooting. Raven jumped out of the way of the bullets.
"That's mean" She muttered under her breath as the fight broke out.

Pietro was walking down the hallways, looking down at his phone which showed the blueprint of the building. He was guessing that if the mutants were here then they would either be in the interrogation rooms or the rooms with the cells. He decided to check the prison room first just because it was closer. He walked casually past the other agents, trying to blend in as much as possible. He was walking past a certain door that was a few inches open when a semi-familiar voice caught his attention.
"I don't think that'll be an issue"

Pietro clenched his fists... Mason.

If Mason was here then so were the mutants. He had to tell Raven, that was the priority. Then they could deal with Mason.

He walked a little away so that none of the agents would hear him before pressing onto his comms.

"Raven, he's here. Mason's here."

Raven slid her foot back, knocking down one of the agents. She had managed to knock out four of them so far, she was really trying not to kill them but if they kept going like this...

"Raven, he's here. Mason's here."

Raven put her hand to her ear, "I'm on my way."

Before she could turn around and return to the fight, she felt a small prick in her abdomen. She swung her arm back and hit the agent that was behind her. Now she used her super-speed to knock out the rest of them. She didn't care about who she killed anymore, she had to get there. Raven looked down at her stomach which was still stinging slightly. Inserted right next to her belly button was an empty syringe.

Well, that's not good...

Raven's head started to feel fuzzy but she ignored it, she had to go help her family.

She picked up one of the guns that the closest agent had dropped and sped back to the jet.

She had rushed all the way to the other base and made no effort to compel the guards outside. Instead, she just shot them. Sure it was mean but it was simple and efficient.

"Pietro, where are you?" she said into the comms as she hid behind a door so as to not be seen by incoming agents.

"Almost at the prison room" came his response.

Raven took out her phone to look at the blueprints. Once she knew where the prison room was, she ran all the way there, almost knocking right into Pietro when she got there.

He sighed in relief when he saw that she was alright but his face dropped at the sight of her hands and clothes covered in blood, and the fact that she was breathing so hard... Raven was never tired after running.

"It's not my blood," Raven reassured him. He raised an eyebrow as if asking what had happened but Raven didn't have time. "I'll explain later, where is he?"

"He's in the main office room in the hallway over there," Pietro pointed to the hallway. "But Raven, we should get the others first."

"There's an alarm system if we go into the prison room. Mason will know we're here anyway. I'll stay and distract him while you go help them" She didn't wait for his response before running away.

Pietro watched her blur disappear. That woman was absolutely crazy. He didn't doubt her though, Raven could take him.

He followed her orders and used his speed to make it to the prison room faster. If Raven was going to fight Mason then the other agents would already know they were here, no point in hiding anymore. He stopped outside a steel door that was locked. He tried to push on it but it wouldn't budge. Next to the door was a lock key, but Pietro didn't know the passcode.

He banged on the door, maybe if there was a guard in there or something they would come out to see what was happening. But nobody came out.

"Nice to see you again" Pietro jumped and turned around to come face to face with Austin.
"Austin? How did you get out?"

"I didn't, I'm not actually here" Pietro understood what he was saying, he used astral projection to come out here.

"Where's Raven?" Asked Austin worriedly.

"She's... taking care of a few things" Pietro mumbled, he wasn't sure how to explain it.

"She's going to kill him again isn't she?" Asked Austin who had understood what Pietro was trying to say. Pietro nodded.

"Well let's find a way to get this door open and then we can go help her," said Austin, walking closer to the lock to get a closer look. 

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