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Avenger's pov:

"Mason, why would you do this?" Asked Adrien.

More and more Hydra agents were storming out of the facility. It made the Avengers wonder how they had all fit in there in the first place. Sure, the building was huge, but there must be over a hundred agents.

"You people think you're so special. Go saving the earth, not caring about the aftermath or the dead bodies you leave behind. Just because you have powers doesn't mean you're better than anyone else" Mason hissed.

"I don't understand-"

"Just because you have a mutation does not mean you are better than me" Mason spat at Adrien, who was just looking at him, face expressionless.

"You did this because of that stupid jealousy?" Adrien asked, incredulously.

Even as kids, Mason was always jealous of Adrien. Even though Adrien's abilities were kept hidden from the rest of the world because their parents had thought it was weird. Mason would always tell Adrien about the things he would do if he had those abilities.

"I deserved to be special! I deserved to be better!" Mason yelled.

"Why did you kill Hadeon's wife?" Asked Nat.

"And why the hell would he still work for you after that?" Added Clint.

Mason smirked slightly as he responded.

"Hadeon has been working with Hydra for the better part of a century. His allegiance was being tested. We needed a simple push to get him back of track"

"So you killed his wife and blamed it on Raven?" Asked Steve.
"Is that her name?" asked Mason smugly. "Well, Hadeon said that the Avengers were associated with a little vampire. What better way to get a man to make a man want revenge than kill the one he loves most in the world?"

The Avenger's hatred was rising by the second. This man was sick (not in a good way).

"I am sorry about her, by the way," Mason added, as all the agents lifted their weapons, ready to attack.

"Why would you be sorry?" Asked Bucky, also getting his weapon ready.

Mason just grinned wider, the sight was enough to make Pietro want to punch him in the face.

"You left her alone with an angry vampire at least a hundred years older than her who wants nothing more than to rip that poor girl to pieces. Do you honestly expect her to come back alive?" He asked cheerfully.

Well if Pietro wasn't nervous before, he was definitely worried now.

"She can take care of herself," Said Adrien.

"Sure," Mason said with an evil glint in his eye.

Steve gripped his shield closer to him. The faster they got this over with the faster they could help Raven and then go home.

"Mason, you can still stop this," Adrien pleaded.

Mason just grinned wider, "Oh dear brother, war is inevitable."

Then the fighting broke out.

The Hydra agents immediately began shooting at them. Steve jumped forward to cover Sam while Wanda used her powers to make some kind of force field.

"Anyone else feeling like we should've brought the mutant kids with us?" Asked Tony, as he blasted a few agents.

Steve threw his shield and sighed "we can't have kids fighting our battles Tony."

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora