i started ranting and i couldn't stop lol

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Tiktok. Where stars are found. 

It seems a little weird, doesn't it? To think that the people that we look up to are just a bunch of kids. Kids that are still trying to figure out their own lives. Kids that have no degree of privacy. Kids that are constantly forced to show every element of their lives or else they're not providing for the fans.

Sounds weirder now, right?

Now, imagine how they see us. To them, we are the bad guys. We make them or we break them, sometimes literally. We are the Gods that decide. We decide if this influencer is cancelled, if this influencer is the hottest, this person is the most problematic. We are the deciding factors in people's careers

We are the reason people kill themselves, the reason people don't want to have air in their lungs, or have blood in their veins, or have colour to their skin. We are Society, and Society hates that people are different all the while praising them for it. It's fucked up. Society isn't the only thing that's fucked up, granted, there's more than that going on. But standards are the worst part of this shit. 

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, I know that you can't stop people thinking bad about others, but what if we could? What if Society couldn't label someone as a slur or a term? What if we could have a society that didn't care about sizes or shapes or anything material? What if our lives were so inexplicably different that we didn't even recognise it anymore? Can you imagine that?

Cause I sure as hell can't. 

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