Secrets // S. Stilinski (2/2)

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>{A Week Later}<

I haven't spoken to him since that night, no texts, no calls, no nothing. I felt like I was dying inside. I kept having to be pulled out of classes for breakdowns, panic attacks were starting to become more frequent, and I was due to pick up more anti-depressants this evening. I sat outside my Economics class, post breakdown. I fiddled with my fingers in my lap until I heard his voice cut through the silence like a knife.

"Jupiter?" He asks.

I look up at him with bloodshot and gummy eyes from crying before looking back down at my lap.

"Oh, Jupiter." He crouches down to my eye level but I just turn away from him. "Look at me. Please." He begs.

Reluctantly, I turn to face him. Exposing my ruined appearance and broken soul. I glared at him through my puffy eyes, my lip curling, neither of us saying a word.

"Oh, baby, I-" He starts.

"No." I cut in coldly.

"What?" He looks puzzled.

"You don't get to call me a whore, and suddenly want me back after a week of nothing." I say with little to no effort, I'm too emotionally drained to put emotion into my responses.

"Last week was the worst week of my life without you in it, Jupiter." He says defeated. He slowly lowers himself to the space on the floor next to me, our backs leaned against the lockers.

"Like I'm going to believe you." I spat the words like poison in my mouth, turning my gaze to my lap again.

"Believe me or don't. It doesn't change the fact that it's true." He replied.

"Prove it." I sneer, before sagging against the lockers.

"I love you so much, Jupiter. You have no idea how much I love you, and how hellish last week was when I didn't get to see your face. See your beautiful smile, look into your intoxicating eyes, run my fingers through your soft hair, smell your coconut body spray and your banana shampoo when you're wrapped up with me in my bed. I love you, and I regret not believing you." He says lovingly, taking my hand in his and looping our fingers together.

I don't move to pull away, but look up at him with bewilderment written across my features, "Then why didn't you?" I ask cruelly.

"Because I was scared." He answers truthfully.

"Of what?" I prod.

"Of feeling. Of being so completely vulnerable to you and you having the power to walk away whenever you felt like it, I-" He paused and sighed, "I couldn't watch you walk out of my life." He was starting to cry now.

"But that's what love is about, Stiles. It's about having someone to be vulnerable with, having someone to cry to, having someone to make you happy, having someone to talk to on your shittiest days. Love is a little bit of pain, but, is the risk outweighed by the reward?" I remarked passionately.

"If love is pain, then set me on fire." He smiled at me.

I smiled a little and rested my head on his shoulder, remembering my favourite memories of us and squeezing his hand before bringing it to my lips and kissing it gently.

"Keep lifting me higher, in your flames." I finished the lyric to the song he quoted. Our song. We both chuckled quietly and knew right there, right then, we were going to be okay. We knew right there and then that, if the world started ending around us, we wouldn't be as scared because we had each other.

{Series: Teen Wolf}

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