Raven // B.

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"Doc! Your favourite girl's here!" I shouted out, knowing Doc would hear me.

"Ah! Raven, I wondered when you'd come crawling in." He smiled sarcastically at me as I walked into the almost empty room that all Doc's meets were held in.

"Who's sunglasses?" I asked, nodded towards the guy at the back of the room. He had soft looking brown hair, blacked out sunglasses on his face, and earbuds in playing music through his iPod - loud enough that I could almost hear.

"Baby. My fastest driver, and your new partner." Doc smirked. He knows I hate working with people. Asshat.

"Doc." I whined before pouting and mumbling, "I thought I was your fastest."

"Raven." He snapped, "You're working this job, and that's final."

I groaned and plopped into the chair next to 'Baby' and propped my boots on the table in front of us. He looked sideways at me and slid his sunglasses down his nose, so his eyes peeked over the tops of them, his chocolate brown orbs met mine.

I swear to God they lightened a little, making me furrow my brow in curiosity at him. He pushed his sunglasses back up and shifted slightly so he faced away from me, looking back at Doc.

"Raven!" Doc yelled.

"Yeah." I said nonchalantly, turning to Doc.

"Are you listening to me?" He raised his eyebrows in agitation.

"No." I smirked and winked.

He rolled his eyes and went over the plan again, ensuring I was listening this time. I noticed Baby talking small glances at me every so often, I tried to ignore them best I could, I couldn't help but smile a little every time.

Doc finished detailing the plan and explained that Baby and I would both be spending the night in the building, just to be ready for the heist early tomorrow morning.

I got up from my chair and moved to the elevator, waiting patiently for it to get here. I knew someone was standing behind me, but at that moment I didn't care.

The elevator doors opened and Baby and I stepped inside. He stayed tucked in the corner, still listening to his music, and I pressed the button for another empty floor that I'd claim as my temporary apartment.

Baby just stared blankly at the ground while lightly tapping his foot to the beat of the music.

"What are you listening to?" I asked nonchalantly, leaning against the back of the metal box and facing forward.

"I don't know if you'll know it, but..." Baby trailed off and showed me his iPod screen. He was playing 'can't look back' by Machine Gun Kelly. I stared at him in awe.

"Dude, that's literally my favourite song." I admitted breathlessly.

"Mine too, actually." Baby's brow furrowed and a smile grew on his face.

"We are quite the pair, Baby." I joked and nudged his side.

"That we are, Raven." He nodded and chuckled.


"Left, left, left!" I shouted.

"I got it!" Baby yelled back.

He swerved my red Mustang to the left, drifting it perfectly into a parking garage and hiding us from the cops. They flew past us, sirens blaring loudly. The sounds quickly died and I turned to Baby, smiling widely, and holding up both my hands for a double five.

He laughed excitedly and clapped his hands in mine and interlocked our fingers, before pulling me towards him and kissing me passionately. I removed my hands from his and threaded my fingers through his hair, keeping his head in place and deepening the kiss.

His hands went to my sides, making sure that I didn't move either. I smiled into the kiss and we both pulled away, I bit my lip and winked at the boy I loved.

"Shall we, Raven?" He smirked and faced his body to the steering wheel, whilst maintaining eye contact with me.

"We shall, Baby." I wiggled my eyebrows and kissed him softly.

I pressed down hard on his knee, sending the car flying forwards. My boyfriend, of a year, retained control of the car easily and pulled away to get us the fuck out of Savannah, and back home to Atlanta.

I put my hand on the gearstick, Baby resting his over mine and linking our fingers once more. He skidded out of the parking garage we had been hiding in, and sped off down the street.

We headed for county lines, crossing quickly due to me having friends in low places - being one of Doc's favourites had its perks.

I leaned forward and messed around with the sound system on the car and eventually managed to get Queen to play through the speakers. I sat back in my chair and slouched slightly.

Baby's hand slid gently onto my thigh, it's usual resting place when he was driving us somewhere. Baby's lucky Queen song came on, and I turned to him with a grin spread across my face. He cocked his head to me, with his jaw hanging open, corners upturned slightly.

"God, I love you." He said breathlessly.

"I love you too, Baby." I smiled and kissed his cheek, settling my head on his shoulder.

"Don't say too." He mumbled.

"And why's that?" I looked up at him with a small smile.

"You sounds like you're agreeing with me." He murmured and kissed my forehead.

I giggled and faced the windshield again, Baby kept driving while tapping my thigh to the beat of the song.

"God, I love you so much." I whispered and kissed his clothed shoulder.

{Movie: Baby Driver}

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