Choice // S.

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I groggily awoke from being knocked out, feeling the blood drip from the side of my head and hearing it echo when it hit the damp stone floor. I tried to move but my hands were bound by zip-ties and a rag was tied around my head, preventing me from speaking or shouting for help.

I sat up and tried to remember how I got here or whatever I could about what happened to me.

"Gwen!" I shouted, knocking on her bedroom door.

After a few moments of shushing and shuffling, she hurriedly came to the door and wedged herself between it and its frame which I found rather odd.

"What, uh, what's up?" She chuckled breathlessly, quickly tucking her hair behind her ears and straightening out her sweatpants and tank top.

"Who are you hiding in there?" I asked suspiciously, trying to peek past her but she closed the door more to hide it from me. She looked kind of guilty.

"I- um..." She stammered.

"Gwen, who's in there?" I asked cautiously, taking a step closer to her.

"N-No one." She lied.

"Liar, liar." I chuckled, "Seriously, sis, who is it? I'll help you sneak them out." I bargained.

"He can do that himself-" She quickly shut herself up and slapped a hand to cover her mouth.

"Ahh, so it's 'he', " I smirked, "Well, have a good one." I spun on my heel and walked back to my room, waving over my shoulder at her.

I went into my room and plopped into my comfy chair in the corner, thinking about my best friend Peter Parker. I hadn't heard from him for a few hours. he said he would call me at 8, but it's now 9:30 so I'm a little worried.

I'm not trying to be that clingy friend, but since Ben died he's been in a downward spiral and I'm just trying to look out for him.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and gnawed at my lip in case I shouldn't call. I decided to brave the storm and call anyway, letting it ring.

Not long after, I heard Peter's ringtone coming from down the hall. What? I opened my door, opposite Gwen's, and heard the ringtone coming from behind her door. The ringing quickly shut off, followed by hasty shuffling and a couple of bangs, before Gwen's shocked face came to the door.

"Hey, J..." She drawled sheepishly and scratched the back of her neck.

"You two are made for each other." I hurried out before slipping back into my bedroom and locking the door.

I stumbled back from my door and stared at it. What. The. Fuck. I watched as the door rattled from Gwen's pounding on it, but I couldn't hear any noise. I couldn't hear her begging me to let her explain. Everything was silent, save for the ringing that replaced all sounds. I began to cry into my hands until something heavy hit me upside the head and everything went black.

I fought with my gag until it loosened and was dangling around my neck like a necklace.

"Oh my God." I whispered to myself.

I had to get Gwen out, she had to be okay. I staggered to my feet, steadying myself, then tried to make my way out of this network of dirty tunnels.

I stumbled through the tunnels, dragging my hands along the wall to keep me upright. I continued on my way until I almost fell into a huge sewer drain. Great. I steadied myself again and hoped to be found by someone.

A Godzilla-like roar reverberated throughout the sewer, making my bones quake in time with it. I closed my eyes and winced, petrified to open them.

"Jupe! Jupiter!"

Peter. I smiled to myself before realising that he was going to be killed if he didn't leave me.

"Peter!" I yelled, the echoes haunting me like spirits, "Peter run!"

"Where are you?!" His echo bellowed back.

"Peter, please, just run!" I shouted, my knees giving out with worry.

"J!" Spiderman appeared in front of me, "It's okay, you're okay. I'm gonna get you out, alright?"

He scooped me up and wrapped an arm around me as I protested.

"No, no, Peter, you- you don't understand. If he h-has me, t-then he has G-Gwen." I stuttered out speedily, tugging on the tight-fitting costume.

He snapped his masked head towards me and looked up, the open hatch just too far to get to both of us in time.

"Ah, Mr. Parker!" Dr. Conners echoed, "She's right, you know. I have her sister too, only she's on the other side of town."

The giant lizard revealed himself and lazily swam in the circular drain below us.

"It's your girlfriend Gwen..." He paused and smiled wickedly at me, "Or the girl you're in love with."

I watched Peter's brow knit together through the tight mask as he slowly turned to face me again.

"Get Gwen, please, please go find her." I begged.

"I should warn you, Mr. Parker, that whichever you don't choose dies!" Conners chuckled, barely even a sliver of human inside him at this point.

"No, please, please don't make me choose." Peter cried.

"Let's make it easier then, shall we?" Conners smirked before leaping from the water, claws ready to strike.

He jumped to our height and slashed at us, tearing Peter's mask and my ankles clothed by my black sweatpants, dragging me out of Spiderman's grip and falling towards the Doctor's lizard form.

Peter shot a web at my stomach and held me there as he struggled to grip the web that held himself. I grabbed onto the web through reflex, and looked into his petrified eyes. I wasn't scared. I didn't beg him to save me. I only wanted Gwen to be safe.

"Peter!" I shouted, making him face me.

His teary eyes bore into my own before he looked past them and curled his lip in anger at the reptile below.

"It's okay. It's okay, go save her." I begged with a sad smile, "Please, please just- just save my sister. Save my big sister for me... Please."

I began to loosen my grip on the web, letting myself dangle,

"Jupiter, no!" Peter screamed.

"I love you, Peter Parker. I always have." I admitted finally. After years of torturous heartbreaks, years of pining and meaningless relationships, I finally told him I loved him.

I smiled through my tears as Peter choked on his own, "I-I love you too, J." He whimpered.

"Then let me go." I whispered.

He sobbed loudly before he loosened his grip and dropped me into the claws of Dr. Curtis Conners.

{Series: Amazing Spider-man (A.G)}

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