Silent Star // Thomas

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It's not that I can't talk, it's more that I don't want to.

Ever since the box brought me to the Glade, I was scared to talk. I just didn't trust the fact that I was the only girl in here.

I'm teenage girl, with a growing butt and boobs, who's surrounded by about 50 hormonal teenage boys, almost all of whom had roaming eyes. It made life behind the walls a little uncomfortable sometimes, I'll admit, but at this point I was used to it.

I didn't want to talk to people in here in the beginning, so I just stopped. My first few days in the Glade people were trying to find out what they could about me, asking questions and poking around for information. I didn't give them anything.

After being here about 3 days I remembered how to use sign language. I tested it on about everyone in here and only Minho understood me.

It was annoying when he was in the Maze all day, but it was nice having him around at night. He kinda had to stick to my side in case I wanted to talk to anyone.

Right now, I'm in the Maze with Minho. I'm only a runner sometimes, like if other runners are sick. Minho gets worried if I'm in the Maze, but when I am, I'm with him so he can keep an eye on me.

We were heading back for the Maze when I started to get tired, I tapped Minho's shoulder making him stop and turn to me.

'I need a minute.' I sign to him. He nods and I practically collapse to the floor, panting.

"You know, Jupe, you should work out more," He jokes and drops to the floor next to me.

'Says the one who doesn't let me in the Maze.' I sign with an unamused expression.

"What's wrong with wanting to keep you away from Grievers?" He asks, clearly amused with my response.

'It's getting late. We should go back.' I tell him, looking up at the dimming sky.

"Yeah, let's go. Hey, maybe the new greenie's cute." He teased.

I just smack him upside the back of the head and start running back.

"You little shit!" He yells and starts sprinting after me.

We get back to the Glade quickly and head to the runners' hut to map. I quickly finish mapping my section and start clicking my fingers in Minho's face to gain his attention.

'I'm done, can I go?' I ask, gesturing to the door and the raging bonfire on the other side.

"Yeah, me too. Let's go." He shrugged.

I nodded and sauntered out of the hut with Minho close behind. It was getting annoying so I spun when he least expected it, causing him to almost slam into me.

'You can be free, I don't want to talk to people tonight.' I told him, running out and finding Gally in the fighting circle.

I smirk preparing to fight against him in the circle, knowing that Gally would be down in seconds.

I jog towards everyone and push my way through, making it to the edge of the circle before Gally spotted me.

"Want in, J?" He smirks and offers a hand.

I push it away and walk to the other side of the boys, earning pats on the shoulders as I turn to face Gally.

A grin starts creeping onto my features before Gally charges at me. When he gets close enough, I drop to my knees and take out his ankles, making him face-plant in the sand.

I jump up and take in the cheers of the other guys. I spot Minho sitting with the other runners, only he's glaring at someone across the bonfire.

I follow his gaze and see the hottest guy I can ever remember seeing. He had a sprinkling of moles along his left cheek disappearing down his neck, his hair was flattened but looked kinda soft, he had a little dirt on his cheeks but not too much.

𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ⟪𝟏⟫ // ❮✓❯Where stories live. Discover now