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"You guys are starting school." Daisuke stated. "Mom said so." 

"I'm surprised she knows how to talk!" Karma shook Tobio like it was the most revolutionary discovery ever. 

"Just because she doesn't talk to us often doesn't mean she doesn't know how to talk..." Seijuro deadpanned. 

Tobio wriggled out of his twin's grip and ran towards Daisuke. "We're going to the same primary school as you, right?" 

"Yeah, its the middle of the school year, but the school said you guys could go....wait, why again?" Daisuke turned to Seijuro, who shrugged.

But they didn't miss Karma's smirk, and that told them everything that happened. 

"Did you go to mom and complain that one-on-one classes were so boring that you'd never annoy her again if she found something interesting?" Seijuro asked. 


"I agree with Karma, we're six years old and we don't want to listen to the old man talking about his wife's pies. Pies are disgusting, cake is better." Tobio nodded fiercely. 

Seeing their little brothers, the two older ones sighed. 

And leave it to Karma to find out a way to get in trouble, even on the first day of his school. 

Let's backtrack a bit. Tobio and Karma got into the same class, and then......

"Karma-kun, I know you're new, but please do be cooperative and help out your classmates in cleaning up." The teachers asked nicely. 

"I am helping cleaning up?" Karma wasn't sure what was wrong. All he was doing was stabbing erasers with pencils before putting all of them back into the bin. 

After a bit of an explanation, Karma seemed to understand, the the teacher smiled, but she would soon regret thinking that he was a fine child capable of learning quickly. 

"Sei, what's going on there?" Daisuke dropped his ball and pointed to the group of first graders, seemingly crowding around something interesting. 

Suddenly, a flurry of sand came upon the first graders, who laughed and waved it away. Seijuro simply shrugged, until he noticed a familiar tuft of red hair and midnight blue eyes. 

Another student called the teachers, who came running. Seijuro and Daisuke peered in for a better look. There, in the middle of the sand pit, was what looked liked a deflated ball with a hole, and Tobio and Karma were taking turns filling it with sand, before throwing it up and getting everyone else dirty. 

"Seriously?" Daisuke mentally facepalmed. 

"Daisuke, Sei, come join us!" Tobio waved, before Karma threw the...ball...thing towards them, getting sand all over the twins. 

"Karma!" Sei screamed, coughing the sand out of his mouth. Daisuke simply dusted it off, though the glare in his eyes was evident. Just when the older ones looked like they were about to strangle their younger brothers, the teacher interfered.

"Karma! Tobio! Come back to the classroom right now!" The teacher scolded, taking their hands, but not the smiles on their faces. 

Ah yes, the beginning of the sibling relationship in the Kambe family. 


Kid Karma! 

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Kid Karma! 

Four Brothers || Seijuro, Karma, Tobio, and Daisuke [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now