Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

" No, I'm not,!!" He inisted standing up, quickly Christian sits him back down.

" Well then, prove it to us?" I said.

He takes out a ziplock bag, inside was golden hair, similar to Aleah's hair. I flinched on the spot, the energy I exerted turned dark and I felt my heart dropping. Why does he have her hair? The boy hands it over to me and I open it up inspecting the short strands that seemed to have been cut off by something blunt.

It was light blonde, it was silky and the air in the bag smelled like her condition. Except it was a little faint, I could also seem to smell dirt and blood.
Despite the colours being identical this could have been easily fabricated if they cut someone else's hair with the same hair colour. But, just looking at it, it was definitely Aleah's and her hair colour is very rare too.

Just as Jackson said this could well be a trap, Aleah's hair as his evidence supported that fact, does know where she is. Even if it's a trap I'd gladly fall into it if it meant being reunited with her again.

" By help does that mean that she's in life-threatening danger?" Rosiera clasped her hands together hoping she was wrong, however, the kid didn't deny the proposition.

This means that they must have done something to her! If they did what? Did they hurt her? If not are they? What kind of danger? My mind went around in circles and without noticing the energy I was exerting turned ominous. Fernand, who noticed, placed a firm hand on my shoulder that brought me back to reality.

I catch the kid looking at me for a second then looks away. He was being wary of me, watching what he says in case he ticks me off a second time. But I wouldn't do that, not anymore; I feel guilty about what I did just know, clearly I was out of my mind.

" You can keep going, it's fine," Christian assured him along aith a gently pat on the back.

The kid nods, " Lady Aleah was taken to the mercenary campsite up the Northern Mountain. It took me 2 days to get here by walk, she's being..." he stopped and then shook his head, " No, I Mean she just really needs to be seen by a doctor!"

A doctor? If so, then I'd need to get there quickly, what if I don't get there in time? I'm just going to need to have faith. Also the Northern Mountains ay?
I definitely didm't think about searxhing for her there, though, it just means the these people are cunning.

Gosh, Aleah must be freezing, she's probably really cold right now. Oh to just have her in my arms and keep her warm~ I'm never going to forgive them for taking her from me, I clench the ziplock bag titly in my hand. They're probably not even feeding her proper meals! My mind started to wander again, I'm going mad just thinking about it.

" If she's there let's go!" I suggested. Now that we know, there's nothing stopping us from going.

" Yeah!" Rosiera and Christian agreed as they stood up.

" No!!" The kid's voice erupted suddenly, his hands reached out but quickly recoiled holding it close to his chest.

We were caught off guard by him and stopped whatever we were doing. He was getting nervous for a second, his eyes wavered as we eyed him in shock. It must have been done unconsciously.

" We can't just walk in there, that place is crawling with guards. " He adds.

" What are you trying to say," I barked.

"As I said, Mister. I know where she is. I know that place better than anyone here. It's not safe to just run in there."

I fall back onto the sofa feeling defeated, the kid has a point. Those people have Aleah too so they could use her to blackmail us, or potentially harm her in the process. I can't risk that, I can't put her into any sort of danger.

If not then what can I do? Just wait it out for a few days and plan a safe strategy? Then what if it's too late? There's no way I can just wait it out if there's even a slight posibility of losing her forever. Not mention that I wouldn't even be able to wait a couple of days.

" How did you get here? Who told you?" Fernand said handing him a cup of hot chocolate, he gladly took it and regretted taking a quick sip complaining that it was hot. In the end after calming him down with cold water, Fernand told him blow on the. drink first

" She told me to come here~..." he says enjoying himself with the hot chocolate.

' Leave this place and head straight for the Imperial Palace. Tell them every piece of detail you know, anything that may or may not be is helpful. Tell Noah, the person behind my kidnapping is someone called, Layla Bourbon, Brown hair gren eyes. If they happen to think that you're lying show them my hair. Noah would be able to notice it's mine from a mile away. Tell them to keep you sheltered until I return. '

" So that's what she said..." I look down lost in though.

" Layla Bourbon? That's Count Bourbon's only child..." Fernand says out loud.

" What!?!?!"

" Did I say that a little too loud?" He rubs the back of his head awkwardly.

Count Bourbon's daughter? but the Count was supposed to be one of the most Loyal supporters of the Crown. To have her daughter be the cause of the kidnapping of my fiance... that's an act of treason.

No, that shouldn't matter. What matters right now is Aleah's safety, and the fact that his daughter was the cause of her kidnapping will never change. A loyal supporter? We have a lot of those, Aleah means more to me than anyone else, what was I thi king making excuses for the Count. He can die for all I care. I'll get to the bottom of this mess when I safely manage to rescue Aleah no matter what it takes.

Layla asked us to watch over this kid? I don't even know who he is. She always brings in unwanted people, not to mention the kid's a guy, if it was a Rosiera 2.0 I wouldn't have minded too much.

" What's your name kid?" Rosie asked.

True! We've been discussing everything I've completely forgotten to ask for his name! If I'm going to be looking after him, it sure does help to know what his name is.

" Richard, it's Richard."

Suddenly the maid that I had personally assigned to Lady anna walked into the room. Jackson was quick on his feet to stand up, and make his way to her, " Sir Jackson, Lady Anna has awoken,"

" I see," he replies.

His mood started to brighten up a little bit, he must really care for her. Of course, not as much as I love Aleah but his love is also commendable. Maybe I should add more resources and money to Lady Anna's recovery process. She already has a speedy recover but ut's best to be safe.

If Aleah was here she'd definitely ask me to do everything I could for Lady Anna. That's just the kind of person Aleah is after all. She's kind, beautiful and... no, no, no I'm getting lost in my thoughts. I can't dwell on my emotions just yet.

Anyways, this came at the right time since I was planning on dismissing everyone soon anyways. Quickly before we separate I need to give them a brief outline of my plan, it was a temporary plan to confirm if Aleah really was being held there.

" Jackson, you can keep attending to Lady Anna until further notice. Fernand, take Richard to get cleaned, Rosiera and Christian stay here and help me plan our next course of action."

Everyone nodded and Fernand Richard and Jackson left to do what they were

As we head to our separate ways, an idea pops into my head. I quickly tell Christian to head over to the Northern mountains and to bring a cartographer with him. In order to create the safest plan, I need to know what I'm getting myself into.

When Richard gets back I'll be able to get more information from him. Oh I remember, Lady Anna had written down a few words on a piece of paper a while back. When Richard gets back I'll make sure to check if he knows any of the words.

To be Continued

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