Her head turns to face me and her misty grey eyes meet mine and I notice how she has tears in her eyes.

I smile and have to look away as I feel tears in my own eyes. Not sad tears. Never with this woman. Only happy tears.

When I look back Giovanni is kissing her cheek and whispering something in her ear again which she nods her head in response.

Nicola is standing behind me with Adelaide's ring on a cushion and Izzy is on Adelaide's side holding my ring on a cushion.

Adelaide walks up the three small steps and is now in front of me looking anywhere but me. I smile and tilt her chin up with two fingers.

"Hey." I smile when her cheeks go red.

"Hi." She whispers, staring into my eyes.

"You look gorgeous, Amore." I whisper.

She smiles, "You look gorgeous too."

I laugh lightly and remove my hand when Abramo walks up to us. He holds onto one of her hands and gently kisses it.

"Hello. I'm Abramo, Emilio's grandpa." His thick Italian accent highlights through his voice.

Adelaide smiles a little. "Hi."

Adelaide and I stand opposite each other looking into each other's eyes whilst everyone sits down.

As Abramo speaks I look at Adelaide and the constellation of freckles over her nose and a few on her cheeks. The nervousness that radiates from her makes me want to hold her hand but she seems busy fiddling with them and trying not to look at the people watching.

"Let's start off by thanking both sides of the families for making it to the wedding of Adelaide Amore Rivera and Carlo Knight. We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall unite Adelaide and Carlo in marriage.
Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honour each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together.
This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. It is a symbol of how far you have come these past months. It is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. The love between you now joins you as one." Abramo finishes his little speech and Adelaide is now staring at the floor. "If you two have any vows, you can say them."

Adelaide stares at me for a moment looking nervous so I give a quick smile before speaking first,

"All I want is you. I want you on your bad and your good days. I want to roll over to the side of the bed and see your face. I want you to be the one who helps me hide Easter eggs for our kids. I want to be able to look into your gorgeous grey eyes at any time of day. I love the way your smile gives me butterflies and how you scrunch up your nose slightly. So today I promise to be with you for all eternity."

As I finish Adelaide has a small smile on her face, she takes a deep breathe and starts her own,


I feel tears fill my eyes as he finishes his words and I chuckle trying to make the tears not fall.

"I didn't believe in love because of what I went through during my past but then I met you, you opened my eyes to a whole 'nother world. You showed me how to feel loved, you showed me that everything in the world stops whenever it's just you and I. I always ask myself how can a beautiful and wonderful heart like yours ever love a heart like mine and I'm so incredibly grateful to have you, mon coeur." (My heart)

Carlo looks away quickly and I smile. "Are you crying?" I chuckle.

"No." He glares at me playfully with tearful eyes.

Abramo motions Izzy and Nicola to stand in front of us with a ring each on a black cushion and gold around the outside.

Izzy glares at us both. "You said the wrong vows." She whispers.

I smile and pick up the dark and light grey ring for Carlo.

"With this hand." I look at Izzy as I take Carlo's hand in mine. "I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty." I look back at Carlo and slide the ring onto his finger. "For I will be your wine."

Carlo laughs a little and picks up an identical colored ring to his but this one has a diamond on the front and around it a little.

He takes my hand and takes off the proposal ring, he slides that ring onto my other ring finger.

"With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring." He slides the ring onto my finger. "I make you mine" He changes the last line and Izzy has a huge grin on her face as he kisses my hand.

"Do you Adelaide Amore Rivera, take Carlo Knight to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I look up at Carlo and smile as tears prick my eyes. "I do."

"And do you, Carlo Knight, take Adelaide Amore Rivera to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

A tear rolls down Carlo's cheek as he smiles. "I do."

"I happily pronounce you husband and wife... you may kiss the bride." Abramo steps back and Carlo steps closer to me.

His hands cup the sides of my face and I wrap my hands around his wrists whilst going up onto my top toes. Carlo softly places his lips on mine and kisses me slowly as I hear everyone stand up and start clapping and whistling.

We move back and he pulls me into a hug whilst laughing. I smile widely and hug him back, Carlo starts rocking side to side before pulling apart and taking my hand in his. We walk back down the aisle to where a black limo is waiting to take us to our next indoor venue.

Carlo lets me get into the car first and then he follows after me, immediately he turns my head to face him and his lips find mine.

He kisses me slowly and sensationally before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. "You look beautiful." He kisses my nose. "I missed you."

I smile and kiss his nose. "I missed you most."

"I don't think you did, my wife." He smiles.

I lean closer towards him so my lips brush over his. "I think I did, my husband."

He closes his eyes as I say 'husband' and I take that opportunity to kiss him. Carlo smiles against my lips and I laugh slightly.

He moves me onto his lap with his lips still attached to mine, Carlo manages to hitch up my dress so my legs are showing and he rubs his hands up and down my legs.

I cup Carlo's face in my hands as he holds my thighs, pulling away he smiles at me and I smile back. He holds onto my hand and looks at the wedding ring on my finger.

"I love you Carlo. So fucking much. I love your smile." I kiss his lips as he smiles. "I love your nose." I kiss his nose. "I love your eyes." I kiss just under his eyes. "I love your personality." I kiss his forehead. "And I love you because you make me feel safe." I kiss his lips again.

"Are you trying to sweet talk me into letting you win the race?" He laughs.

I pull back and smile. "Maybe." I mumble and play with his tie. "I'm going to win anyways." I shrug and try to get off his lap.

"Don't." He orders whilst pulling me close to hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist whilst I keep my hands holding his sides, Carlo places his lips onto the top of my head and circles his thumbs on my waist.

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