Yeosang thought a bit, even if he was his brother, he didn’t seem to know him too well. He looked at the stands one by one until something would pop up. He finally spotted one of them and it simply catches his eye. It was a stand full of beautiful hanboks. Too much expensive for him to just touch it with his hands. But, for a noble, that could be a good idea for a present.

-Master, you could give him a new hanbok. They have beautiful ones right there.”

San turned his head in the same direction of the fox and smiled. He was relief a bit, that wasn’t a bad idea. Jongho couldn’t say no for a new pretty Hanbok. He walked to the front of the stand, looking for one that his brother could like. And Yeosang... Stood a bit away from the stand. The old man that owned the place, kept an eye on him, like he was thinking he could steal something. But the fox was used to it, even though every time he wanted to snap at some people.

-Little fox, choose one for me.”

Yeosang opened his eyes wide at the sentence. He wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for him to choose a hanbok for his master’s brother that he didn’t meet yet... But he still stepped forwards carefully to have a better view on the hanboks who was on the table. And his eyes caught a beautiful blue and gray one, the sleeves had a grey tone and the rest of the hanbok was blue. It had details everywhere on the tissue. It was really beautiful. He wished he could wear one like that just once in his life... But he knew that would never happen.  

-That one is pretty.” He pointed at the said hanbok.

-Then I will take that one.”  

San talked with the old man of the stand to have the good size for his brother, and paid for it. The seller wrapped the hanbok in a violet tissue and tied it with some cord to finally handed it to the wolf. Now happy that he finally had the present for his brother, he could return at his home. He walked, ready to go back and find the others that he left behind, he completely ignored the slight rain that was falling slowly. 

Yeosang walked behind him, now holding his hurting stomach. Why was it getting worst by the minute? He grinned his teeth but still walked beside his master until he randomly stopped. He couldn’t unnoticed the stand full of paper and other stuff for painting. It has been a while since he painted something. By looking at the paper, it was high quality. What would his painting look like with that sort of paper? At the lack of noises of footsteps beside him, San stopped and turned his head only to see the fox staring at a stand like it was the most precious treasure of all Joseon.

-Do you know how to paint?”

Yeosang looked at his master, surprised by his sudden question.

-Y-yes... I know how to pain. I’m sure you would like to see them and found them very pretty.”

-Oh? You look sure of yourself. Then let’s do this, we will make a bet only the two of us. If I don’t like your painting, then you will do what I want. You can’t refuse anything I will ask...” Now smirking proud of his idea and walking to the fox, he continued. -And if you win and I like it like you said, then you can ask me a favor and I will accept it no matter what. How does that sound?”

Yeosang didn’t know if that was a good idea or not, but he couldn’t refuse when he had another occasion to paint once more.  

-Ok, I accept. But don’t be surprise if I win master.”

-Don’t be so sure of yourself, little fox.”

Smiling proudly, San went to buy the precious paper and some other stuff he thought the other would need. He hid the papier inside of his large sleeves to be sure it wouldn’t get wet because of the rain, who was getting worst by the seconds.

-I think we will stop somewhere until the rain calms down. What do you- … Yeosang. Cover your ears, we are outside.”

Panting heavily, his face grew all red. The fox ears moved in every direction, not able to concentrate at all on one thing or even on what his master was saying. He lifted his face up a bit, looking at his master in distress. He then put his hand once again on his stomach.  

-I’m sorry... I can’t... I really can’t master... I feel weird... And my stomach hurts... I feel hot... Why is it so hot outside...?”

-Stay here, don’t move and wait until I come back.”

Without saying anything more, San disappeared away from the fox’s sight. Yeosang didn’t like it, in fact, he really hated it. He slid his hand on his chest and grabbed his hanbok hard, he looked everywhere in the street, there was so many people. He was all alone, his master wasn’t there. He felt his heart beating faster, and his breathing became messy. He didn’t know what to do, would he die from an unknown illness? Did his master leave him?

He sighed deeply, in relief, when his master was walking back to him and put on his head a blue top of a hanbok and made sure his ears were well hidden. He tied the small ribbon the best he could to be sure it wouldn’t fall. The tissue was long and big enough to cover his entire body, but while in the process of this, he did notice Yeosang’s scent grew sweeter.

-Don’t look this scared, you just need to follow me.”

Sighing, San thought about where they could go to be sure the fox could take a rest for a bit without being judged because he had difficulties to put his ears and tail back. Well, thinking about it, he did know some sort of place who wouldn’t judge since they had seen way worse than that. And, in the end, he could have some time to drink and have a fun a bit. It has been a long time since he went in a Kiseang house. It was a great occasion to go there.

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