Their flight to King's Landing was short, soon enough the two sisters flew in different directions, Rhaella and Rhaegon, with Rhaenya, would attack from the city gates, and Dany and Drogon, with Rhaegal and Aegon, would attack from the Blackwater Bay. Once Rhaegon and Rhaenya were under the clouds the Princess of Dragonstone could see the gates of King's Landing from afar, and before she could even see the scorpions on the walls, hundreds of bolts flew towards the direction, but Rhaegon and Rhaenya both dodged the bolts gracefully. The sisters expected scorpions, but not that many, but for Rhaella that was not a problem, it only meant that the walls of King's Landing would have to be brought down completely.

     Both dragons flew around, so they could now fly along the wall, and before the soldiers could fire the bolts once again, the dragons let out loud roars and Rhaella spoke. "Dracarys," the princess said, and the dragon dragons spit fire along the red walls of the city. The walls of the city that had never fallen in 300 years were now in flaming pieces on the ground, the gates, and scorpions, banners and watchtowers, were no more.

     As the two dragons flew around once more, so they could fly into the city, the silver princess felt something flying too close to her head, and looking to her right she saw a couple of scorpions inside of the city, on top of the tallest buildings of King's Landing. Rhaella clenched her jaw as her face turned in anger, it despised her how Cersei would place scorpions in the middle of the city to make sure her people were caught in the crossfire. Rhaella and Rhaenya flew towards the scorpions, and as she looked at the Red Keep she saw Rhaegal burning one of the castle's towers. This time, when they were close enough, the princess did not need to command the dragons, they knew what their targets were, so the two dragons spit fire on the scorpions close to them.

     As soon as the dragonflames hit the buildings, Rhaella did not hear the noise of falling stones as she did when they had burned the wall to the ground. The princess heard a loud explosion and saw dark emerald and jade green flames, the flames exploded so high they almost hit the dragons, and as the flames hit buildings nearby the other buildings exploded into green flames as well. And Rhaella's heart broke as she saw the destruction caused in the city, something neither her nor her sister ever intended, and as she looked towards the Red Keep, she saw that the gates of the castle burned a dark emerald green as well.


     As Ser Davos and Gendry heard the walls fall to the ground, and the tunnels started to smell faintly of smoke, they turned to Grey Worm and the Unsullied nodding, it was time the armies filled the streets. They had almost reached the streets and they heard the stomps of horse hooves and screams. The Dothraki and Ser Jorah, the Onion Knight was sure, the Queen had sent them to take care of the part of the army Queen Cersei had sent to guard outside of the city walls. Once the Unsullied and the two Westerosi finally were out in the streets they were faced with a scared Lannister Army, most of the soldiers were looking at the sky, so scared they had not noticed the Unsullied until they heard the steps close to them. Both armies raised their weapons, but none made the first move, and the Lannister soldiers attention was once again on the dragons when the purple one flew right above their heads, they watched as the dragon spit fire, and it's flame hit the top of the tallest buildings in the city where the scorpions were located. But as the orange and purple flames touched the top of the buildings, emerald and jade green flames exploded and destroyed the buildings close to those, which were soon consumed with the green flames. The Lannister soldiers all around the city watched as the middle of the city they were sworn to protect was consumed by the emerald green flames, they all looked at the flames in awe and hurt, they knew what those flames were, they remembered when the Septon was up in green flames moons ago. And as the soldiers' hearts ached on betrayal they dropped their swords to the ground and fell to their knees, no Lannister or Gold Cloak would fight for their Queen now.

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