Chapter 102 - Conquer the Aqua Laguna

Start from the beginning

Nami: "Listen, Sanji-kun. I'll tell you everything about the reason for Robin's actions and our current situation. So please listen carefully."

Cannons were still being shot at the Aqua Laguna. The shaking can be felt in the cart and Zoro looked up.

Zoro: "Oi, (Y/N), Luffy."

Luffy: "Yeah... Let's go, guys."

(Y/N): "Okay kids, I'll be back after I finish this task."

The trio went outside and got in front on the head of the Rocketman. Luffy started stretching out, Zoro does a stance, and (Y/N) wiped the dust of his shoulders.

(Y/N): "Keep firing cannon at the wave!"

Paulie: "What're you guys gonna do?!"

The three finished what they were doing and looked at the Aqua Laguna.

Zoro: "We'll fire... *places sword in mouth* a cannon..."

The train whistles as it was approaching the wave.

Luffy: "What's a hundred and eight times two?"

(Y/N): "That's two hundred and sixteen."

Luffy: "Two hundred and sixteen... That's a mouthful."

Zoro: "*gets other swords* Then, pick whatever."

Giant FFM 1: "Wh-What are they doing?!"

Giant FFM 2: "Two weapon less and the other is using swords. What're they trying to do?"

Giant FFM 3: "They told us to keep firing."


They kept firing the cannons at the wave as Luffy spins his arm around and (Y/N) ink hands. Then Luffy decided which number to use.

Luffy: "Okay, then... three hundred!"

Zoro: "Okay."

(Y/N): "Heard you loud and clear."

Luffy: "Gomu-Gomu No..."

Zoro: "Three-Hundred Pound..."

(Y/N): "Chaotic..."

The wave got closer and was going to land down on the train. The people were afraid that it was the end, the three focused on the wave and then unleashed their attack.

(Y/N), Luffy & Zoro: "CANNON!"

They launched with so much power, that it made a tunnel through the wave that they could get in. They went with amazing speed through the tunnel and then made it out on the other side.


Zambai: "I thought we were gonna die!" he had tears and snot on his face.

The family started celebrating for making through the Aqua Laguna. The Galley-La were in shock by the power they unleashed to make it through the giant wave. Luffy turned and gave them the peace sign.

(Y/N): "Welp, we sure showed that wave." tipped his hat.

Luffy: "YAY!"

FF. Member: "If they were our enemy, they'd be fearsome, but if they're on our side, no one is more dependable than they are!" he cries.

Frank Family: "STRAW HAT! TOP HAT!"

Paulie: "Naturally, I was prepared to die. What incredible guys..."

Kokoro: "Don't let your guard down. We are not through the storm yet."

They jumped back inside.

(Y/N): "So, where was I in the story?" he tries to remembers.

Luffy: "That was fun!"

Kiwi: "Straw Hat! Top Hat! You"re amazing!"

Mozu: "That was beyond human power!"

The green haired swordsman jumps through the window, accidentally kicking Luffy.

Zoro: "Oh, sorry."

Nami: "Luffy, come over here. It's Sanji-kun." she holds the snail.

Sanji: "Oi, is that you Luffy?"

Luffy: "Oh, Sanji! How's it going over there? Where's Robin?"

Sanji: "Robin-chan is still in their custody. Nami-san just told me the reasons for her actions. Yeah, I heard... everything."

Luffy: "I see. Yeah... Well... that's what's going on. Go ahead and give them hell."

Nami: "What?!"

Chopper: "WHAAAT?!"

Zoro: "Oi! Don't be reckless, Luffy! Tell him to wait until we catch up! Hey, Cook! Can you hear me?! There are crazy guys on that train, so..."

(Y/N): "I'm sure they can handle it themselves..."

Luffy: "Thats okay. Zoro... What would you do if it were you? After hearing that Robin lied and was taken into custody in order to save us, could you stay put?"

Zoro looks down and thinks about the situation.

Luffy: "It's no use trying to stop him."

Sanji: "You know me well. Oi, Moss Head! Are you worried about me?"


Sanji: "But sorry... After hearing what Robin-chan was thinking... even if the Captain orders it, I'm not gonna stop!" he crushes the transponder.

Franky: "AHHH! Why'd you break it?! I wanted to ask Straw Hat something, too!"

Sanji: "Huh...? Who cares? You should've told me beforehand." he told his mistakes.

Franky: "Even if I didn't tell you, it was obvious wasn't it? Don't be so cocky!"

Sanji: "I'm not being cocky."

On the other side. Nami's portable snail was sleeping.

Nami: "I wonder if he'll be okay."

(Y/N): "I wouldn't worry... he's Sanji after all."

Luffy: "Granny! Have the train go faster!"

Kokoro: "Faster?"

Luffy: "Yeah! Like, more wooosh!" he stretches his arm for demonstration.

Kokoro: "Don't worry. It's already going faster than the limits of its speed... So fast that it can't stop by itself." she laughs.

(Y/N): "Are you sure you're not drunk?"

-To be continued-

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