Chter 46 - The Real Fight Finally Begins

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(Y/N): "Get up, Crocodile, or are you just giving up?"

The sand man gets up and laughs. There wasn't time for them to stop the explosion, it was up to the others to stop it. They all split up and only have ten minutes left on the clock.

Crocodile: "Both you make me laugh, you think... you can defeat me?"

Luffy: "Yeah... since you can't turn to sand anymore."

Crocodile: "I'm impress that your crewmate, Top Hat (Y/N) figured it out...especially when he was really close to dying... But none of you are par with my level. That's the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

(Y/N): "I don't care what you are. But if you're a Warlord... Then, we're the ones who'll send you to the graveyard!"

Cobra: "Who on earth is those boys?"

Robin explained that Luffy was a pirate and (Y/N) was a new recruit. Now Cobra knows that the two pirate were ones that brought Vivi back to Alabasta.

(Y/N): "Wicked Whip!" he lashes out the attack making get pulled.

Luffy: "GOMU-GOMU NO PISTOL!" he launches but gets dodged and his hydration was getting absorbed.

Crocodile: "No matter if it's wet or not, I can still dodge, and drained your hydration." he grabs onto Luffy's arm.

(Y/N): "Shit... Killer Kick!" he jumps and stops him and told Luffy drink the water to heal.

Depending on how Devil Fruit powers are used, they can become stronger. Then Luffy launch the same attack again but spins it to form a different attack.

Luffy: "GOMU-GOMU... SHOTGUN!" but his attack as been dodged.

Crocodile: "Clever move, brat! Desert Spada!"

(Y/N): "Sickle Slice!"

The attack collided then the ink and sand bursted into bits. Then the smoke cleared and the both of the pirates wer in front and made Crocodile's face hit the ground. Luffy tried to throw the barrel to make the sandman vulnerable but he would not allow that to happen.

Crocodile: "SABLES!" he created a sandstorm that made the two fly and Luffy got flown away and it was now (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Just me and you, sand gator!" he said making him laugh.

Crocodile: "You're struggling desperately, Top Hat (Y/N)... You can't do anything without that barrel filled with water. This isn't different from out first match at Rainbase."

(Y/N): "I know what you mean, and you're right."

But then he wiped all the dust off of himself first and fixed his hat and checked in the mirror to get ready. This made Crocodile irritated and Robin laugh.

Crocodile: "Is this brat... serious? Doesn't he know the situation he's in right now? Stop messing around, YOU DAMN BRAT!" he flys towards (Y/N) with his sand power.

(Y/N): "Trick you! *splash water* Never get too aggressive in a fight."

Crocodile: "Damn it. My body..."

(Y/N): "CHAOS CANNON!!" he strikes his two ink arms into Crocodile's stomach making him puke out blood.

Then his body went flying and crashing into a small building on the roof. (Y/N) sips some tea to get his energy up and used a napkin to wipe it.

(Y/N): "Who's the the brat now, sand gator?"

Crocodile was just laying around near the ruble making King Cobra shocked to see him defeat Crocodile. But Robin told him not be impressed, yet. She used her powers to get rid of the two big nails that were holding the king.

Robin: "Now, you show me the way... to where the Poneglyph is!

Cobra: "What in the world are you going to do... by looking at it?" he said before her powers held him down.

Robin: "Don't ask pointless questions. All you need to is show me the way..." she said before turning to (Y/N) who was staring at her.

(Y/N): "What are you looking, lady?" he said with his neutral face.

Robin: "I wonder if your luck is running out... There isn't much time left."

The Crocodile woke up and make pieces of stone fly and laughs.

Crocodile: "Go ahead, Nico Robin... unless you want to stay and get dried up, too. I'm losing... my patience..."

Cobra: "You're... NICO ROBIN?!" she didn't respond to the question and left.

(Y/N): "Wow, imagine her being my girl..."

Crocodile: "Listen up, Top Hat. Every rock on the surface can be destroyed." he drains all the life away from the field of grass.

(Y/N): "The hell? My surroundings are getting withered away." he sees a tree dried up before it broke into pieces.

Crocodile: "Ground Secco!" he bursted the ground into chunks and made (Y/N) fell down but he was able to grab hold on the chunk.

(Y/N): "That was close... Take this. *blast water*"

The water that (Y/N) blasted has been absorbed in Crocodile's hand.

Crocodile: "You really thought you canceled my powers, Dancing Devil...?" he said when (Y/N) made it back up.

(Y/N): "You're really fool of surprises."

Crocodile: "The true power of sand is drying. LOOK! My right hand dries out everything... with no limit..." the ground started shaking and sand erupted from the holes that were made.

(Y/N): "This is bullshit... even the stone statues are turning into sand... He's draining the life away from the ground!" he sees that his shoes get disintegrated.

Crocodile: "Everything that's connected to this hand... DRY UP! Ground Death!" he created a giant storm of sand and was destroyed the ground.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) looking at his poster-

The lawn that the two were fighting on has turned into a desert. (Y/N) managed to climb away from the ground and saved his hat.

(Y/N): "It's seems that his right hand is the real problem... he turned this lawn into a dry land. But where could he be?" as the moment he says that the sand appeared in front of him and formed Crocodile.

Crocodile: "Right here. You made me used a bunch of my energy... *dodge water blast* You missed..." he started draining his hydration.

(Y/N): "Cro... co..." his body dried up and dropped his hat that flown to the bottom.

Crocodile: "You... lose again..."

-To be continued-

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