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A soft beeping sound is the first thing I take note of when I open my eyes

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A soft beeping sound is the first thing I take note of when I open my eyes.

It's been a while since I've found myself in a hospital bed, but being back still felt all too soon. The room was empty, which I was glad for. There were too many thoughts running through my head and I was afraid I'd vomit all the words out if I came face to face with anyone.

Too much happened last time I was conscious.

Too much.

I take a moment to examine myself. It's a miracle I got out mostly unscathed... well, at least physically. Mentally though, I'm not so sure. I don't know how I'm supposed to bounce back from the chaos that ensued, or if I even can. I know things are bad, worse than it's ever been in fact, even though that's exactly what I was trying to prevent.

I hear someone enter and I internally prepare myself, but all the words I've strung in my head come undone when my eyes land on a face I didn't expect to see at all.

Smoke grey hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks, and sharp eyes. Both elegance and toughness exude from her as she walks.

"Dahyun," I say breathlessly, blinking my eyes back to check if I was truly seeing things right.

Her smile reaches her eyes before her lips. "Hey stranger," she says. "Long time no see."

A mix between a sob and a laugh escapes my lips. "Oh my God. You're here!"

Dahyun extends her arms out as she reaches me, leaning down to envelop me in an embrace. I could tell she's been looking forward to this moment just as much as me due to the sigh of relief that passes her own lips. She's probably thinking the same thing as me — at least we were both alive.

"When I left, you just got out of this place," she remarks as she pulls up a chair and seats herself in front of me. "I get back and you're here again. You've been quite the troublemaker, huh?"

I couldn't help but grin at her teasing. I had missed her. "You have no idea."

She laughed. "Actually, your boyfriend filled me in a bit."

My response flew out of my mouth before I could even think. "Which?"

Dahyun raised an eyebrow up at me, tilting her head to the side as she tried to make sense of my reply. I chewed on my lip as I tried to think of an explanation. Her eyes widened. "No way! You're joking, right?"

I shrugged in response.

"Y/N!" she shrieked before proceeding to slap me on the arm playfully, though painfully might I add. "I need the details. Right now. All of it." She gasped suddenly. "Oh my God, but Sehun—"

"I can explain, later," I cut her off. "We need to discuss the important things right now, and my complicated love life isn't one of them. Who'd you speak to?"

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